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Video Converter

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by August, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. August

    August MG Donor

    Hi guys,

    Does anyone know of a good FREE video converter that I can use to convert my gameplay videos into mp4 format (to put on my phone) so that I can show my friends how awesome MG servers are? (Not kidding) When i record a 5 minute gameplay vid with Fraps, the size is already 3+ gb (Which is crazy high, in .avi format.) I've tried the source recorder but its even worse; 3gb for 2 second video. LOL.

    EDIT: And while I'm at it I might as well ask for a good video editor as well.
  2. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Free? there's no such thing lol..

    the free ones sucks balls..

    If you dont want to pay, i suggest you to get AVS video converter.. only decent one out there..
  3. evilpaul

    evilpaul <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    mp4? Try Handbrake it's free and is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS


    LEGEND Senior Member

    I use Sony Vegas to edit my videos into a .wmv format which YouTube says is the best format for streaming.
  5. August

    August MG Donor

    Thanks! It's of good enough quality to show my friends on my phone :D I showed them a karma slap today (Plus the cool DING and yodelling sound) and all of them were like WHAT HAPPENED?? Lol.
  6. HighVolt@ge

    HighVolt@ge Senior Member

    I second that one! Its the one I use most,, usually a couple times a week