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USA server reinstallation.

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Hi all,

    I'm currently reinstalling the USA server. It ran a crappy outdated Ubuntu Linux OS with a software raid which is causing too much performance problems, so I'm installing a new OS on it. I don't know how long this will take but it's probably gonna be back somewhere tomorrow.
  2. jeferson1979

    jeferson1979 Game Server Moderator

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

  3. PepsiDay

    PepsiDay Guest

    Re: USA server reinstallation.


    Yes, this server rly needs reinstalation, lags are so huge, and it's not able to play T.T

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

    Oh, so that's where it went. I was wondering why it wasn't on the Steam Group Servers listings!
  5. aries

    aries Junior Member

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

    Thats good to know.
    I didn't see the server on the listing this morning, so I decided to invade Legend's game on the normal server. Apparently I made it extremely laggy. D:


    LEGEND Senior Member

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

    You did. <--Epic emphasis.
    But no, the server was lagging on the Sacrifice part 2. Then it was fine on part 3 - wtf! Mind boggling stuff.
  7. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

    I had a pain reinstalling this server with my own OS and custom kernel, since it didn't have console access I had to use a live recovery cd and go from there. Took me some time to get all hardware working but it finally works and it now runs the same OS as the EU server with the latest kernel which provides far better performance. I still need some time to reinstall the l4d(2) servers but it should be back up again within say, a couple of hours.
  8. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

    Awesome =D
  9. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

    A Homer Simpson "WOOO HOOO!" :mrgreen:
  10. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

    That explains the "long loading times" that bonekeep was reporting all the time xD.
  11. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

    Wow 3 replies in like.... 3 minutes at this hour :) amazes me :P

    Anyway yes, it was running some crappy old linux OS with no optimizations at all. I didn't think I could install my own OS but I managed to do it and now it runs way better.

    I need to re-create all users, do a clean L4D2 install and copy it to the other users to bring everything backup, but so far so good, it seems to go quickly so expect it to be back online in about hmmm let's say 37 minutes ;)
  12. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

    Back !
  13. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

    Yay! So fast o.o
  14. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

    Marvel has done it yet again xD
  15. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

    Well I broke it as well so ;)

    Anyway, it seems a lot better now. Really small footprint now, custom kernel optimized for the hardware it's running on and optimized for Source DS, no unwanted or unneeded crap.

    And the biggest change that made the performance far better was breaking that stupid software RAID1 :evil: , so it now has the system files on one hdd and the gameservers on the other drive ;)
  16. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

    Do you guys never sleep? :shock:

  17. jeferson1979

    jeferson1979 Game Server Moderator

    Re: USA server reinstallation.

    wrong, ha ha
    my ping is 170 , 300
    0 choque and 0 loss
    video card hadeon 6870 1 gb gddr5
    connection internet 10 mb download , 1,5 mb upload =xd