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USA server down for maintenance (Updated)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Unfortunatly, the USA server crashed again last night. I checked the console and it was stuck at some kind of kernel trap, so all I could do was hard reboot it like usual. Next, I updated the kernel to the latest version to make sure there is no bug in the current one that causes this.

    Then I wanted to update the distro with the latest packages, but during the process the system froze and all I could do was hard reboot again.

    Anyway it doesn't look good. It seriously looks like a hardware issue. I'm running diagnostics now trying to pin down the cause and ask the hostprovider to solve the problem but this can take a while so until then the server will be down. It's not very usefull to bring it up now and let it crash all day long anyway.

    I'll keep u updated.


    Well it rebooted on its own now, so either it resets for no good reason, it freezes on the console or it gives a kernel error and hangs. Anyway a ticket with the hostprovider has been created. They're gonna look at it and hopefully solve it. Until then the server will be down.

    Update 2:

    Seems like the hdd is failing. The host is replacing it. This will take some time. After replacement I have to reinstall the OS and copy over the old data so expect some more downtime.
  2. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Re: USA server down for maintenance

    Ya, the cotton pickin' thing crashed right as we were about to win. :-(
  3. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: USA server down for maintenance

    Alright, hope the problem gets solved >.<
  4. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: USA server down for maintenance (Updated)

    See updated post
  5. jeferson1979

    jeferson1979 Game Server Moderator

    Re: USA server down for maintenance (Updated)

    its ok
  6. #_9

    #_9 <span style="color:#66CD00">Game Server Moderator<

    Re: USA server down for maintenance (Updated)

    Now what server will I go to?? Not the Euro ones my Ping is garbage :(
    guess they will have to do for now..
  7. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: USA server down for maintenance (Updated)

    Well, more bad news. When I first reported the incident they responded within 5 minutes.

    Taking their advice I ran several harddrive tests myself and they all turned out good. Smart wasn't reporting errors and fsck didn't as well. I told this to support and they're now telling me it could be anything at this point, from ram to cpu to sata and so on.

    I told them to test anything they want to and that I don't care about any data loss since I have backups anyway as long as they fix it asap.

    Well, guess what. I got an e-mail 10 hours later saying 'Thanks, we will let you know if we find anything.' :(

    This sucks.
  8. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    Re: USA server down for maintenance (Updated)

    wow not good :(