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Tryout server: NAP of Americas (Miami, Florida)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    I'm gonna try something new in order to serve our Latin American players better, we all know servers over there are way too expensive, the service is bad and the infrastructure is even worse (No offense to the people over there but it is what it is).

    So, I'm gonna try the second best, a server in the NAP of Americas. The NAP is an internet exchange point almost similar as what we have here in Amsterdam (AMS-IX) however it's specificly designed to have good connections with Latin America.

    Since its located in Miami it has the closest distance to Latin America from the USA. I did some ping testing already and it has 170 - 180 ms to Sao Paulo, and about 95ms to Amsterdam which I consider 'playable'. Not playable for games like CSS but definitley playable for L4D.

    So this is not only good news for South American players, but also for players from that region that have a bad connection to St. Louis or Los Angeles.

    Another good thing is that they charge by the hour. So you can rent it for a couple of hours / days, give it a try and if it sucks you cancel it and it only caused a couple of bucks damage :D If you like it you can sent them an email and pay monthly.

    So when will it be ready?

    Well, MySQL replication has already been setup and running which means all databases are locally available so all that's left is the gameserver itself and the firewall setup, so expect somewhere tommorow night (CET).

    Watch this thread here for updates!

    If you already want to do a pingtest try this IP:
  2. Hazemberg

    Hazemberg Senior Member

    I will test when I go back home, for sure.

    Thanks, Marvel.

    EDIT: I'm not connecting with the server.
    EDIT2: Server is ok, no packet loss, but I got 250ms. Still playable, way better than the last Brazil server.