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TMF Scumbags

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vulcan, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Just wanted to mention that I am not impressed at all with the TMF players. I was playing 1v 4 then Rainbow Swag joind and jumped to the other team with 3 other TMF players, that pissed me off enough then another TMF player joined and jumped to the other team. What an absolute bunch of panty wastes, not a single testicle among them. Yes I am talking to you, you bunch of gutless, spineless little girly boys and I still won. I don't want to see any of you in VI until you can play like men. Welcome back when you can. 1 v 6 is absolutely disgusting and there is no excuse.
  2. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

  3. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    When I joined I joined through the sourcebans page like I always do and I saw 3 players, 2 TMF and Rainbow Swag so I figured it was 2 TMF against Rainbow Swag but when I got in thay were all on the same team. I am ok with that, then Rainbow jumed out then in again and jumped teams that pissed me off, then to have 2 other players jump in and switch really got me pissed. I stood my ground for the rest of the round hoping a couple regulars would join and ruin their day and kick them for trying to jump to my team but attendance is slim. I guess it ticks me off that I wanted to help Rainbow and he turned against me. I won't be adding any TMF players to my friends list anytime soon.
  4. Yvan?vitch

    Yvan?vitch Guest

    HaHaHa, and you won! next time try 1 vs 10 should be even more easy for you
  5. Sheila

    Sheila MG Donor

    lol, he(Rainbow) swapped teams to be with Viper shortly after a server restart so the game was like empty.. All he does is team swap to teams his friends are on.
  6. Cocaine

    Cocaine Head Administrator

    Lol, i love your slang...
  7. The Maniac

    The Maniac MG donor

    Who needs friends if you have Swag?

    Just kidding Swag is for little girls :D
  8. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Don't say that so freely.. I recently lost one..
  9. Sheila

    Sheila MG Donor

    Whos? lol
  10. Cunner

    Cunner MG Donor

    Scumbags, lol, i love it!
  11. Cocaine

    Cocaine Head Administrator

    What do you think, eh ? ;)
  12. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

  13. Sheila

    Sheila MG Donor

    Pls not mine?
  14. Cocaine

    Cocaine Head Administrator

    ....who knows.... :laugh2:
  15. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator

    I will always be your wingman. I know I have been playing some other games lately but if you ever find yourself in a situation like that again...just put up the "Bat" sign and me, Joker, Madballs, and a few others will come running. :) We'll count the seconds before they all rage quit. hehehe
  16. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    That was actually my plan:) but unfortunately there was absolutely no one online:(
  17. Left4Bed

    Left4Bed Guest


    Nice to know I've been reduced to absolutely no one >.< (jk, lol.....or AM I? :D )
    I would have been RUNNING WITH BELLS ON if you messaged me, lol.
  18. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Just had a similar experience if not identical. I jump in and there are 3 guys on the other team. Another jumps in and immediately jumps to infected. I call for help and nobody comes. Then the round ends and everyone thinks they are gonna jump to infected. I really felt like banning them all but I did nothing but a verbal warning which resulted in players just leaving and rejoining repeatedly. I stay on the losing team to encourage others to join and play only to have them switch to infected every time. If we are gonna keep VI alive I need more admins to get their fat asses out of PR once in a while.
  19. Sheila

    Sheila MG Donor

    Any clan tag? |:
  20. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Just had another run in with the boys at TMF. I wanted to play and saw 5 TMF players in EU VI and something told me they were all on the same team. I joined and was right. My point of view is that if there are only 2 players it is ok to be on the same team because when some one else joins it will be 2v1 no matter what. However when there are 5 players against bots it is very unfair to anyone joining. I explained this to them and I was not delicate about it. One responded by saying who the fuck are you Jack so I gave him a 1 day ban to show him and the rest of them let me know of their displeasure with some unsavory comments of their own.

    People of the TMF clan while I can appreciate you all being friends but team stacking at this level will not be tolerated. A major goal of MG is to provide enjoyment for all players and that means keeping the teams as even as possible. Not so big a deal if you have even numbered teams and one team sucks but to create 5v0 so that nobody wants to join is whore shit and you know it. MG wants to keep it's servers full and antics like this do not help. I play all the time against players who are my friends and want to be on their team and kick ass against a weak or non existant opponent but I want to keep the servers full instead of a bunch of rage quitters. Seriously, how much fun can it be to play VS 5v0, it is so pathetic it blows my mind. And yes I was rude and hasty and let you know how I felt about it in no uncertain terms.

    This is not he first time I have had conflict with TMF, that is how I started this thread in the first place. Pretty much exactly the same thing so TMF has a reputation for doing this same thing. A guild I would not want to be associated with. Clean up your act boys we value you as members. Please give me a reason to want you on my team.