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The Nigerian email i got.. lol

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Stefeman, Apr 24, 2011.

  1. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    1 image tells more than thousand words.

    View attachment 511

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  2. Kitties

    Kitties Head Administrator

    Oooh, tricky tricky, they changed it up! Burkina Faso this time! Who would ever expect to get a spam email from them? :P

    Man this brings back memories, i haven't gotten one of those in years...
  3. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    I get emails like that all the time. It's always about some multi-millionaire who died and the lady in the email is calling all Christians to come get a share of the wealth.
  4. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    I don't want to go to war over oil in Iraq, Iran and Yemen. I want to start dropping bombs on Nigeria to put an end to these scams. I have received dozens of these letters and my reply was not as kind.
  5. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    pfffft best not even give them the time of day to reply....not worth it, just straight in the trash bin. Best one i had was one from the "Lottery" man it had real logos/pictures and everything....as naive as i am i thought it was fkin legit lmao untill i got a reply back asking for my bank details -_-
  6. Angel

    Angel MG Donor

    Haha, nice reply he got there :)
  7. Medi-kal

    Medi-kal MG donor

    Believe it or not... people fall for emails like that.
  8. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    lol yeah i have had a few of them, I probable still get them but since i set up filters I dont see
    them any more, straight to bin with the dic enlargers, dear friends, you have won... etc.

    Hate that shit!