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The Craziest Things You've Witnessed On The Road.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by erik, May 14, 2013.

  1. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I saw something early this morning that really made me wish I had a cell phone w/ a camera. I just got some p.o.s. prepaid thing cuz I loathe (hate, HATE) cell phones.

    Anyhoot, I'm in busy traffic, a 3-lane road, one-way, and see a lady driving using her kneeds to stady the steering wheel.

    She was drinking a cup of coffee, talking on one of those poseur ear piece bluetooth things, and READING A NEWSPAPER. Her head wasn't even looking at the road or in the direction of it, and it was stop-and-go traffic.

    I can smoke, eat, get high, etc., while driving w/ ease... but all that? That had the be the craziest thing I had ever seen while driving in morning traffic. I found it crazier that I found myself trying to get a look at her face.

    LOL @ how we do that... we see an insane or bad driver and struggle to get a look at their face, as-if that'll provide some revelation into why they're driving that way.

    I'm not even gonna go into car accidents or stuff I've seen, cuz that would cover a lot of crazy ground and crazIER memories. :)

    What kind of things have you guys actually seen yourselves?
  2. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Very similar case to this:


    Except that, the "cars" had some flame and monster stickers all over them and nobody was older than 15 years old for sure.. It was truly a chaos.. they almost caused multiple accidents.. No safe distances and the horrible rap music coming from their vehicles... oh god..

    Now go an try to pass this train of douches on the road, and you surely will either hit into one of them or have a close encounter with another oncoming car.

    These are called as: Moped cars by the way.. you have to be 15 years old to drive this in the same roads that we others drive..
  3. erik

    erik MG Donor

  4. Adward

    Adward Game Server Moderator Staff Member

    what the fuck dude? I'd have taken the plate and reported that. sooner or later she's gonna cause a really bad accident. Fuck people like that.

    Stefeman: What kind of tests do you have for one of those "moped cars"? Looking at myself and the people I knew at 15, NONE of us should have been behind the wheel, and we weren't.
  5. erik

    erik MG Donor

    She was literally reading & driving. Well, talking, reading, driving, relaxing. I was so shocked I didn't know what to make of it. And to comment... seeing her face didn't give any magical answers lol... she just looked like a businesswoman who probably thought, "if they don't wanna get in a wreck, they won't hit me!"
  6. JavCube

    JavCube MG Donor

    Like 5-7 years ago, traffic jams caused by a "donkey-pulled cart" were very common... Until the traffic police prohibited them on downtown streets...

    The other weird thing here is that on the last elections some Students tried to enroll a donkey called "Don Burro" (Mr. Donkey) in a way to protest the low IQ of the already enrolled candidates. Sadly they couldn't do it, I was sure that Donkey could win a place on the congress.

    That's some of the weird thing here.