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Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GAM3R 1334, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. GAM3R 1334

    GAM3R 1334 Junior Member

    hey guys
    i want to know if this is a MG server for Team Fortress 2
    mgftw.com TF2 EU
  2. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, it's a vanilla test server, I wanted to see how many players it would get by just starting a Vanilla one :)
  3. GAM3R 1334

    GAM3R 1334 Junior Member

    not sure but i think most of the time is empty:(
  4. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah.. :P everyone seems to join those 33 players servers..
  5. GAM3R 1334

    GAM3R 1334 Junior Member

    or servers with achivements maps ;)
  6. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah well i just added it so the server had to do something. Besides mine has 100 tick and 1000 fps settings and no limit on bandwith range. I might improve it later when i have time.
  7. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    omg! 1000 fps and 100 tick? then u should deffiently add that to the hostname!

    Also add it to sourcebans and make it 33 slots if you can xD and put in to the hostname (NO MODS)

    then we'll see if people will join xD
  8. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    It was on 19/24 for a while :D

    Seems like everybody is playing TF2 now, even L4D is a lot more quiet.
  9. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Btw I would make it 33 (1 spec slot) but there's not a lot info on how to do it. Some servers do it but they don't share their hack (it's a DLL hack). I could only find outdated DLL's.

    Also, the metamod plugin that adds one spec slot seems to run good on Windows only, not Linux.

    And the worst thing (Idk if this is fixed meanwhile) is that 33 player servers are not shown on the masterserver browser list.
  10. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    lol they are shown on the masterserver list :P

    also, you could change the gamemode from king of the hill to the "push the train" one :P it seems to be more popular xD

    anyways, i hope you can find a good DLL xD
  11. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    I don't know how to do that :D (gamemode) and the DLL patches are mostly private :)
  12. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

  13. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

  14. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    24/24 ;D

    Btw, were any of the links helpful?
  15. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Well, I managed to get 32 slots. Found the info on www.sourceop.com :)

    Added Sourcebans, added HLStatsX as well :)
  16. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    Awesome :D
    It was full at peak time yesterday, and with 32 players i'm sure it'll get full throughout the day.
    Keeping it vanilla aside from that?

    Oh and would it be cool if I gave admin to those who play on it? (stefe/wolf etc)
  17. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah it's Vanilla now except for the instant respawn :)

    We might mod it later. Wait with adding admins btw, lets see how it does first ok :)
  18. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    Awesome, Yeah no problem (:
  19. Kitties

    Kitties Head Administrator

    Wait, how many of our admins actually play Tf2? I know I do, apparently Stefe and wolf do, but who else?
  20. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    I do aswell, I've only seen stefe and wolf play.
    So i guess there's 4 of us.