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Team Fortress 2!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Wolf O'Donnell, May 29, 2011.

  1. Wolf O'Donnell

    Wolf O'Donnell Senior Member

    Hey guys, I just bought this game and obviously ima noob at it so If anyone else has this game and doesn't mind If i tag along, get the jist of the game, would be cool :P

    Still installing right now though
  2. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    I have played it, i think it sucks

  3. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    I have that game but i hardly play it because i kinda agree with Joerve, it's not my cup of tea
  4. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    the only reason why MG'staff would say it sucks is because they want you to stick to L4d.. lol.
  5. Wolf O'Donnell

    Wolf O'Donnell Senior Member

    Haha, I can see why people think it sucks. It is over-rated. Been playing all night and I am enjoying myself, but not as much as people on the internet would say it is. I just love disguising myself as an opponent then backstabbing going invisible and running away xD
  6. Kitties

    Kitties Head Administrator

    I have enjoyed myself on TF2 in the past, but the thing that drew me to l4d2, and in fact the MG servers in the first place, is the teamwork. I loved the game when it was still the original maps, weapons, etc... Then they started changing things. Here have been my reactions:

    "New weapons": that's fine.
    "Hats?": Ok...headgear will spice things up a bit...
    "More maps?": Good, good, that's always needed.
    "More weapons?": Perhaps we might be getting into balance issues here?
    "More hats?": Fine, fine, whatever...
    "Moooore weapons?": Stop it already!!!
    "Did you say stop it? I thought you said more hats!": ...
    "More maps?": Finally, yes, that's what we really need...
    "More weapons More hats More weapons More hats More weapons More hats More weapons More hats More weapons More hats More weapons More hats": This is when i go over to Left 4 Dead 2

    I'm starting to think that people are becoming more obsessed with the items than with the actual gameplay itself. They get items for their market value rather than their actual worth in gameplay, which is turning Tf2 from a fun, multiplayer, team based FPS into an overpriced Hat simulator. Since Valve is now letting people buy items with physical money, it shows where their priorities lie concerning that game.

    Anyways, rant aside, I still enjoy myself on the game from time to time. My scathing opinion about the hats and weapons doesn't apply to how I view the core elements of the game itself, and those are still very much fun. I just find that simplicity has an elegance to it, and when you start packing too much stuff into a game, it gets bogged down in excess. It had nowhere near the impact on me that Left 4 dead did, especially when you can get an amazing team together.
  7. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    its when they started charging money for hats and gear etc. that i stopped playing it. had my own clan in it + servers etc.
    it was great with a few mods. but like Kitties says, it got so annoying to farm for new weapons or buying them.
  8. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    i got full vintages on all classes and 40% of all hats.. belive me.. it's NOT worth of it..
  9. Wolf O'Donnell

    Wolf O'Donnell Senior Member

    Yeah I agree it Is a bit much. I think i'm just gonna play it, fully disregarding the hats etc (except for the Ellis promo one i got :D). Last match I was in some guy wanted to trade and asked if i wanted spy gear and said he just wanted hats in return I was like WTF so just said I'm new to this game and don't have any hats other than promos so just declined.
  10. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    no thats not true because some time ago we opened a TF2 server and it wasnt popular a all :)
  11. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Make note to self, dont sell weapons and hats in the mgstore