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Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by marvel, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    I think it might be snowing here right now 8)

  2. Angel

    Angel MG Donor

    Feel free to have our snow as well, we don't want it anyway. :P
  3. LoneWolfLazarus

    LoneWolfLazarus MG Donor

    In Mother Russia, Snow comes you.
  4. lukemurawski

    lukemurawski Senior Member

    Have our hail and wind too... lol
  5. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    Take my:rain::rain::rain::rain: rain......
  6. Zsoka

    Zsoka Senior Member

    I wish it was snowing here, but I shouldn't be complaining getting some nice sunny warm rays and cold winds making the temperature just perfect.
  7. MetallicA

    MetallicA <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    I can't stand this cold.

    This is what it looks like around here
  8. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I don't like the summer honestly... :-/ It just reminds me I'd rather live somewhere else or be traveling.

    I like the winter here, your picture, Tony, could easily have been taken where I live.

    Marvel's reminds me of the cover of a Bob Dylan album lol
