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Silly question...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by vishus puss, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. vishus puss

    vishus puss MG Donor

    Why is Robocop higher ranking than Clint Eastwood on Hlstatsx page? Always wondered that.
  2. bloodhand

    bloodhand MG Donor

    chuck norris owns all!! :D
    but u right i think robcop should lower as clint eastwood xD
  3. vishus puss

    vishus puss MG Donor

    I can't think of one punchline from a Robocop movie ROFL. Clint Eastwood has a few!
  4. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator

    I think it depends on whether it's old Clint or young Clint. If it's old Clint then Robo has got him. I mean Robocop did shoot that guy's nuts off through the ladies dress. I don't believe Clint ever did that. However, young Clint could kill 5 guys in a blink of an eye while lighting a cigarette and then have that stupid monkey he did a couple of movies with flip you the bird. Stupid Monkey!

    So overrall, I believe maybe that Robocop has a slight advantage only because Clint did those stupid monkey movies. However, just to be perfectly clear, this has nothing to do with a Trunk Monkey. Those are awesome!

  5. vishus puss

    vishus puss MG Donor

    ROFL monkey movies. Wasn't that "Left Clyde!" or somethin?
  6. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    the monkey was called clyde I believe. The movie was called any which way but loose, and any which way you can.
  7. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Dead or alive, your coming with me.

    You burnt the fucking money

    I'm cashing you out Bob.
  8. vishus puss

    vishus puss MG Donor

    C'mon now, I think Clint Eastwood would beat up Robocop!

    And to be honest I loved those Clyde movies when I was a kid!
  9. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator

    Oh, and you can't forget my favorite..."I'll buy THAT for a dollar!"
  10. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    What an idiot! I forgot that, Yaaah!

    Bitches Leave!
  11. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Come to think of it I think we should consider Randy Couture or Chuck Liddell and we can't leave out the women who is the baddest ass woman maybe Trinity, GI Jane or Dog the bounty Hunters wife (man is she stacked). And we should start out the bottom ranks with figures like Richard Simmons and Bruno, I mean who is the biggest sissy. You should have to work your way up to a manly position. I think the bottom one should be "Ricky Recruit"
  12. vishus puss

    vishus puss MG Donor

    What about Grace Jones? ROFL She should be like top five asswhooper, I mean I know lots of guys who are scared of her!

    View attachment 668

    And ROFL @ Richard Simmons!!! I feel sad whoever would be proud of being that weirdo!

    Attached Files:

  13. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    The first few levels have to be humiliating.
  14. Sunburn

    Sunburn MG Donor

    What movie is she from in that picture? I remember seeing it but the name is escaping me. :x
  15. vishus puss

    vishus puss MG Donor

    One of the Conan The Barbarian movies with Arnold in it. The one they go to the ice castle or somethin I think. Conan meets her fighting off about 50 guys with just a stick! They are utterly scared! Been a while so I might be wrong!

    BTW, they are making a new Conan movie! Saw the preview the other day...

    How about Barbara Streisand for humiliation? Elmer Fudd? Vanilla Ice? Divine?

    Also, here's food for thought! Where is Bruce Lee? He is the only person to ever kill Chuck Norris in a movie. Ever!
  16. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

  17. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    If you want a humiliating rank, why isn't there just a Justin Bieber rank?
  18. vishus puss

    vishus puss MG Donor

  19. vishus puss

    vishus puss MG Donor

    Who should be the most humiliating rank anyway? I can't think of the worst one possible...
  20. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    IDK Richard Simmons or maybe Ned Flanders, Boy George?

    Strong woman Joan of Ark