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SI Spam

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bloodhand, May 2, 2011.

  1. bloodhand

    bloodhand MG Donor

    can we probaly do a maximum of every SI same time on map? like max 5 smoker, 5 spitter, etc
    because if u survivor and the half of ur team is in saferoom, very often the infected start buying smoker like hell and u have no chance to reach saferoom. if u alone or in group, they just grab u and pull u immediately back to saferoom^^ its very annoying. u just self revive, stand up kill maybe 2 or 3 smoker around u and then there are 10 other waiting for ya.
    maybe u make a maximum SI of every sort and/or make the bountys for SI more expensive like 10 bounty for smoker etc


    But if people would team better the smokers wouldnt have been that big a deal but they dont, so people usual run in group as in 1 - 4 persons meaning that 1 smoker can go and catch the backmarker of the group and rest usual dont run back to help

    Long live smoker, XD

    Well we atleast got rid of the boomer problem =P everyone was incapitated before they even left the saferoom XD
  3. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    yeah now everybody in no mercy is spamming spitters.
  4. Edward Marlus

    Edward Marlus Senior Member

    -double facepalm- here comes 30 bounty spitters
  5. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    I can't say I feel sorry for you guys on Points Reloaded, it just ain't my cup of tea. I get frustrated too quick with the exact things I hear people complaining about. Berzerker was brutal enough and I would like to have it back but I am gonna stay with Vicious Infected where things are just a little more sane and balanced. HA HA!