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Shutting down some servers

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by HonorCode, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member

    It's a real pity, but the time for some of our once popular mods has come.

    I'm sad to announce that we are going to shut down, permanently, the following servers:

    -Chicago - Hardcore Versus (L4D)
    -Europe - Berserk Mode (L4D2)
    -Europe - Mixed Modes (L4D2)

    These 3 servers will cease their operations since today and will never come back. New servers should be running shortly to support upcoming Points Reloaded updates and to support low level players.

    (Well, there's the small possibility that they come back if a decent amount of people request them, which is likely not going to happen)

    We had fun running and playing on these servers and they will never be forgotten.

    -MG Staff
  2. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Nooooooooooo mixed mods!

    No more acid boomer orgy :'(
  3. I have to say this is a good decision. They were empty most of the day and so no point in keeping them open? right!?!

  4. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    I understand that the 2 L4D2 servers were not the most active but shuttung them down really smokes a choad. As you can see I put in a crazy amount of time on one server or another, usually Chicago VI or EU VI and never PR. Sometimes there is nobody in Chicago and the ping is often too high in EU while the ping is always lower in Berserker and Mixed. This will limit me to only 2 servers. I urge to reconsider.
  5. moonboots

    moonboots Junior Member

    i didnt even know the berserk or mixed modes servers even existed until now. now i am curious as to what they were. perhaps the inactivity is due to mg failing to promote/advertise these said servers? maybe if you held events on some of the more inactive servers you could draw in people like myself that knew nothing about them.
  6. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    For those that never knew:

    Berserker Server: As a survivor after you get about 200 points you could hit "B" going Berserk, catching on fire and move like you were on adrenalin for about 30 seconds and have unlimited fire bullets for that time, or at least as many bullets as you had.
    As SI it gave you extra constitution, the Hunter could not be shot but had to be meleed, the same with Charger, as a boomer the bile drew extra hoard, the jockey ran extra fast and had extra scratch, the spitter had stronger goo.

    Mixed Mode was more intense and would switch modes every round.

    Zombie Genocide: Survivors start with 450 hp but there are 4-5x more common infected and it is insane, wave after wave.

    Acid Boomer Party: All SI spawn as Boomer and when a Boomer dies they explode leaving a big pool of Spitter spit, it is hell, you can never see. Again more hp for survivors.

    Hunter's Playground: All spawn as Hunter and he can jump really far, xtra survivor hp.

    Escort the VIP: One survivor is made the President and glows a different color and is armed only with a magnum, when he dies all die.

    Tank Rush: All spawn as Tank, wimpy tanks but still tanks.

    Witch Mania: Witches every friggin where, they don't spawn Tanks but they will mess you up and you have to deal with regular SI, HAIRY!

    Miniature Attack: Maybe the worst. All the common zombies and SI are the size of hamsters until you hit them, very hard to see, they will get you. A tiny Jockey running around like a little rat is only comical at first.

  7. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Those were the popular servers before PR started, they were always full of fun.
    It's sad to see the servers you once enjoyed to the fullest go, but we already know what's going to replace them, so we can't complain

  8. avilroad

    avilroad MG Donor

    yeah berserk was really fun,but recently he was empty all the time :(
  9. Angel

    Angel MG Donor

    Berserker and VI were the first MG servers I ever played on, including Mixed Modes. Sigh, it's a damn shame they have to be shut down since they're what most of us came for in the early beginning of MG. I regret not playing on them very often since the release of PR (even though I hated PR at first) but I just went with the servers that had the most players.
    R.I.P Awesome Servers.
  10. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    VI will stay of course but Berserker and Mixed modes were always empty, so no point in keeping them running. Same goes for L4D1 Chicago.
  11. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    I was going to post pretty much the exact same thing, Berserker was my fav server before PR and it was the first server i played on when i came to MG, good times.

    Gone but never forgotten lol.
  12. tank

    tank MG Donor

    shutting down some servers

    I think Berserker Server was very cool mod,:flame: both for infected and survivor, mixed mode to. Maybe put berserker,mixed mod,tank rush into VS PR and make the game more crazy. Bring some ny skills.
    Anyway is hunter berserker mod skill on VS PR working??? It cost many points.
  13. Ping

    Ping Guest

    lol PR and Mixed modes togeether could be quite cool actually, thats a good idea :P
  14. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    I must say it does irritate me a tad to hear King and Ping advocating enabling Berserker and Mixed mode for PR. There are those of us that do not like PR and never will. In my opinion PR is for the new breed of bad haired, Namby Panby, bubblegum chewing, granola munching, Pepsi drinking freaks that ruined what MG was founded on. To think that any of us would ever switch to PR is obsurd and the idea of the PR pantywastes getting access to what was our domain pisses me off. This is my life and when I am not at work it is all I care about. Now I have been reduced to 2 choices, Chicago or EU, I am close to tears.
  15. PR IS WORLD BEST SERVER, why dont u go back and play l4d1? why u changed to l4d2 vulcan? u asked the same question to us didnt u! btw i said abt making Multimode server, see my above post PROPERLY!!! if u dont like then dont play, its simple, worlds not gonna change just cuz of ur wish :), anything that dosnt work has to shut down, those servers used to be empty so it was wasting mg machines resources.
  16. Bonekeep

    Bonekeep Guest

    King, your opinion counts for very little here, far less than Vulcan's opinion who has put in long hours to have his input be valuable to MG as a player and as an admin. Talking like you have any say whatsoever around here doesn't give your words any clout. Let those of us that would clean your clock in L4D1 or L4D2, with any mod, make our points and remember your low standing in this forum.
  17. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    I never played on the berserker or mixed modes servers. I always saw them empty or near it. Hearing the description of them makes em sound interesting.

    Guess I should have inquired about them sooner... :{
  18. Ping

    Ping Guest

    It's always a joy to see an enthusiastic admin on mgftw!

    Your opinions make me want to

  19. The Maniac

    The Maniac MG donor

    Never liked Berserker, but the first server I played on mg was mixed modes. Esp Acid Boomer Party was a lot of fun. Sad to hear that they're closed. But I would've played them more if my goddamn Group Server List would show ingame like before. I always have to join games through friends.
  20. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator

    The mixed modes and berserker were definately fun. I remember one night when Chicago was down and we all went over there to play. It was a good change. Unfortunately, it was on EU so the pings were kinda bad. Perhaps sometime in the future we can bring a mixed mode server on the US side.