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Server Maintenance (January 29th)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by HonorCode, Jan 29, 2012.

  1. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member

    All server will undergo maintenance for a period of 1 hour and 30 minutes. We apologize for any inconveniences that this may cause.

    ~Marvelous Gaming
  2. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    HC do you know how to update?
  3. Ping

    Ping Guest

    LOL i can't stop laughing

    OT, is this to fix glitches (like buying guild buffs? :D)
  4. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    kinda had to laugh here to LOL :P
  5. Zsoka

    Zsoka Senior Member

    Welcome back HC!
  6. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Yeah Im being paranoid.

  7. LOL....
  8. Dragon

    Dragon MG Donor

    hahahaha xD..

    Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  9. Ping

    Ping Guest

    Thanks for fixing guild buffs being buyable.. lol. :P
  10. longjohn

    longjohn Member

    thanks for the update HC!

    infected buy menu needs to be fixed though unless we should all start farming till we get 9999 bounty! :P

    just add 0.1% chance for shaman to spawn on coop, i'm sure it might be fun there
  11. Stoned

    Stoned Senior Member

    I believe once we had random shaman on co-op servers. That wasn't a good idea because many people just stood and farmed while they were waiting for "Tank Rain" on the Passing Finale.

    And yup, the infected buy menu price for shaman and paranoia should be less and reasonable :) Maybe paranoia = 100-200 bounty and shaman = 300 bounty?

    Because I often get a ton of bounty if i'm a spitter, and I know that Ocean is the king of bounty :P