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Rules and their interpretation by MG admins and players

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by smokke1982, Jul 28, 2012.

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  1. smokke1982

    smokke1982 Banned

    Erik deleted my last thread after closing the first just like a neanderthalian would do...so here we go

    o..I am bored, I got a 4h ban from Erik for not putting up with low lvl griefers and general incompetence...and guess what...i am going to analyze and exemplify how the rules are bent both by players and admins in the name of a non existent concept of "fun". This post is based on MG Server Rules (Updated June 9th, 2012)

    Before i start i will give a little example. On a team of 10 with 5 lvl 150+ and 5 noobs (up to lvl 100). the noobs do all they can to ruin the "fun" of the other players...I ask why is their fun more important than ours?Answer, anyone?...no answer, I thought so....

    Let us start. I am not going to go through all the rules, just the relevant ones:

    • Team Killing.
    Excessive, on purpose damaging other players on your team (including yourself) will result in a kick and temporary ban without warning.

    This relates to rushing mostly. You have Newbie McNoob rushing and as a result he gets half his team killed. What rules say is that they should be kicked/banned. Does it happen...Negatory. I have heard explanations like
    they are new, they are...bla bla, don't know yet.
    If half those useless excuses for player would bother reading said rules we wouldn't have that issue. I do it to prove a point, I get a ban? Fair treatment you say? I my dreams maybe....

    • Rushing.

    Ban up to 4 hours with out warning, or current admins choice.
    Yeah..that will happen most likely "ad calendas graecas". For those of you unfamiliar with the term it means pretty much "when pigs fly", or "on the 29th of February,every year except leap years", or any other expression that can be roughly interpreted "Never, ever No effing way"

    • Rage Team-Switching.

    Excessive team-switching, which means you keep trying to switch teams even though the server is full and a switch is not possible. We've seen people even trying to reconnect to join the other team (usually the infected team). This will get you banned for a short period of time.

    Again see previous explanation....not worth writing it all over again. On rare cases I have seen an admin initiated kick. on tonight's game, Erik was kind enough to move one switcher to the original team and kick/ban me for the same infraction.....And they say justice is blind!!!

    AND NOW, Le Piece Du Resistance

    Nowhere in the rules as presented here http://mgftw.com/wiki/index.php/Rule...s_Gaming_Rules

    or here http://mgftw.com/showthread.php/2-MG...June-9th-2012)

    is there a mention about votekicking. So according to MG rules as posted on their wikipedia and forum,
    votekicking other players for whatever reason IS NOT AGAINST THE RULES

    So, my beloved becalm, i can be banned for inappropriate/offensive language/name-calling and other issues but if you play by MG rule I CANNOT BE BANNED w/o admin abuse FOR VOTEKICKING WHOEVER I WANT!!!!!! That according to MG issued rules :D

    As latins say "quod erat demonstratum". I rest my case and await arguments, whether they are pro or against what I said here. Using actual facts and quotes from MG rulebook do try and prove me wrong. I dare ya.

    P:S: just to avoid situations like: adding it to the rules after my post i took some screen-shots. therefore no one can say "it was there but you didn't see it"

    have fun.....
  2. Traxx

    Traxx MG Donor

  3. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Admin can bend the rules according the situation.. let's say this "Newbie McNoob" rushes for 1-2 maps and gets the team killed, he would most likely get warning by the admin whos in game as the players gets pissed of that rushing. Now, that has been warned, and if he continues to rush, players will pressure/remind the admin about it, and the admin will ban this noob for not following the rules.

    You cant expect the admin to be on a spectate all the time, and following everyone's movement.. they also want to play.

    for myself, 80% of times i notice rule breaking, is because people gets angry and starts to yell in chat about it.

    I dont know about others, but if i see a votekick abuse, i will just ban the person in question :P

    Surely votekick tool is really useful against rule breakers such as teamkillers and hackers when admin is not around and it should be used well..
  4. TJ

    TJ MG Donor


    I'm confused.. you weren't banned for votekicking so what's your point? lol
  5. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

  6. LordCoder

    LordCoder Game Server Moderator

    Marvelous Gaming Rules

    Category 1: Major offenses

    Mic / Chat / Vote spamming.
    Excessive mic, chat and/or vote spamming with the only purpose of trying to ruin the game for other players will result in an immediate kick and temporary ban.


    smokke1982 wrote:
    if you play by MG rule I CANNOT BE BANNED w/o admin abuse FOR VOTEKICKING WHOEVER I WANT!!!!!! That according to MG issued rules :D


    Habemus optimum testem, confitentem reum. Cadit quaestio.
    (We have the best witness, a confessing defendant. The argument collapses.)
  7. avilroad

    avilroad MG Donor

  8. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    same.. lol.
  9. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Man, I always enjoy reading these threads :P
  10. Traxx

    Traxx MG Donor

    Last to comment!
  11. smokke1982

    smokke1982 Banned

    TJ, I am not talking about that....that kick/ban was deserved. I did abuse the poor noobs in question in the ways described there. I am talking about the previous 2 that i got. One from paul for votekicking a noob and one from Atreyu for the same thing (seems to be missing form the ban list...).

    And as you know the ban description can say anything. I could be banned for kicking a noob and the admin might decide to go with "ignoring admins" as a description. Who's there to stop them from modifying the description as they see fit?

    Define "Excessive". Once? twice? Thrice? 10 times? 100 times?

    Coder....you said and I quote
    . Unfortunately for you your the definition of vote-spamming according both to the forum is very lax, ambiguous and leaves a lot of room for interpretation

    What is vote spamming according to MG? I ask because there is no description of it anywhere in the rules/forum. How often does it have to happen to be considered spam? Once a campaign?Once a round? twice? Thrice? In that case, how come Atreyu and other admins that spam the game with their useless multiple choice questions did not receive a ban? (Example "Am I better than justin beiber? Option A - yes, B - NO - C - what's a beiber?")

    Is votekicking considered votespam? If I request a votekick on some noob every round/map/campaign....is that spamming? you know, that little detail that refers to the frequency of an action

    You see...those little things that I just mentioned are missing from your post. if you want to go all technical on me, make sure you have your facts straight and all the details included...

    I will just quote you on your last part of the latin phrase

    Cadit quaestio.
  12. smokke1982

    smokke1982 Banned

    !bump...i like to see my thread on top....very entertaining :D

    Will bumping my thread be considered as "spamming"?

  13. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Entertaining indeed. ..Actually boring a sh*t :p

    If nobody is interested to discuss about this, then yes. what's the point of having 1 person making 20 bumb posts or arguing alone? :P

    But surely its good to discuss about rules, so we can fix them then. (If there's any misunderstanding) :P
  14. LordCoder

    LordCoder Game Server Moderator

    You dare us to prove you wrong with our actual set of rules:

    I did that, so now you are questioning the rule itself:

    So it's not MY problem if that rule is ambiguous, and open for interpretation. It's there and could be applied "as is". You might not interpret it in that way, that doesn't mean that no one else can.

    Questioning the rules themselves is a whole different topic and I
  15. lukemurawski

    lukemurawski Senior Member

    The rules are open to interpretation by the admins; the leniency is needed in order to induce appropriate actions in a timely manner. This thread has served its purpose and thus has been locked to prevent further flaming.
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