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Rat Story

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Vulcan, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    A few years ago I was living in a different house in the upstairs. I had a rat problem. Every night I could hear them rooting through stuff in the kitchen. I would have put food out for them in a bowl if they just stayed out of my Captain Crunch but no they were little smart monsters. So I put out the regular snap traps and got a real big one and stuffed his carcass in a light fixture outside of my former bosses buisiness that he found after the holiday weekend and that made him paranoid because he is a tweeker.

    Anyhow there was another rat too smart for the regular trap so I got the glue sticky paper. One day I was playing Command & Conquer and I hear WEET WEET WEET and I got him. He was screaming in the glue. I figured I would just chuck him in the dumpster but it was over 100 degrees and that would be inhumane so I stuck him in the freezer. After about 30 minutes I started feeling guilty and got him out. He was pretty much frozen solid but there was still a little glimmer if life in his eye so I peeled him off the paper and using a soda straw did CPR while I warmed him with a hair dryer and he lived. I put him in a small bird cage and fed him pizza, taco bell and other good human food. A few days later his ears, tail and feet turned black and fell off due to frostbite so now he just had stumps to walk on.

    One night I got brave enough to hold him and was petting him in my lap he suddenly darted and ran on his little stumps with amazing speed. My house was cluttered and could not risk him getting away so I grabbed him and as expected he sank his teeth deep into my hand but I did not let go. Back into the cage he went. A few days later I fed him and forgot to close the door to the cage and he got away never to be seen or heard again.
  2. TrainWreck Sally

    TrainWreck Sally Junior Member

    lol did you write this ?
  3. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Yes I wrote that, Burial_Ground said he had a rat in the kitchen so I gave my rat story.
  4. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Vulcan and his rats :D
  5. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    Hilarious! Didnt want to put him in a trash dumpster that was 100deg. So you went with a freezer that was 0 degrees. Logic FTW
  6. JavCube

    JavCube MG Donor

    Cool story, i hope i could tell the same story but...

    Here in my kitchen, every month a new rat take the kitchen as its home... We do not have 100 deg dumpster and my freezer doesn't reach 0 deg... so we just play jockey with it until it dies, we can't pet rats because of the leptospirosis. But me have hamsters tho... :D

    BTW, it would be more simple if we let the cat catch it... but there 2 reasons, those animal are half-cat sized and also the cat know something is worng with that one, so i wouldn't touch it. It's like watching a real-life Gardfield thing...
  7. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    I think the general settings for a fridge is 0deg and 37deg freezer and fridge respectively.
    At least thats what the digital display on my fridge tells me.
  8. lukemurawski

    lukemurawski Senior Member

    My kitchen used to have a huge problem with mice. Those things fu**ed around like crazy, and in weeks I was dealing with 3-5 mice. My parents promptly set out snap traps, but being the coward I am, I thought it was inhumane to smash their skulls so I hid the traps.

    One day I was grabbing a midnight snack when I heard "eek eek eek." I promptly turned on the lights, grabbed a basket, and ran towards the sound. There was a little baby mouse which I had snagged. The mouse was partially trapped on the sticky glue trap (with paper stuck on its back). I was going to kill it with the food poison trap, but I couldn't bring myself to feed it. Instead, I closed the basket and drove two miles and dropped it off next to a lake.

    Several days later, that same mouse with the paper stuck on its back found its way back into my kitchen (and quickly escaped). Surprised, I bought a mouse cage on ebay and placed pieces of bread inside, trapping a mouse in the cage every night. I got 4 mice, all of which I dropped more than three miles away. However, that one smart mouse with the paper on its back was never seen again.

    Soon enough, my parents observed my odd behavior, and scheduled an appointment with the psychologist. He told me that I was fine, and being compassionate was a virtue.

    The end. What? Were you expecting some kind of ending?