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"Rare Skills" - Some FAQ's answered

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by erik, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I want to alleviate some community concern about PR-VS gaming and "Rare Skills."

    For those who don't know what it is, if a certain gamer has this, if you try to charge them, it will immediately make your charger die.

    Regardless of if they have a knife left or not, your charger will always die.

    It will say they killed you "using Rare Skills."

    Bottom Line: Find another way to kill that survivor.

    There are other features like this, like a permanent anti-poison shield (witch,) but that/those gamer(s) aren't around much, so you won't see it.

    Just like in the case w/ the anti-poison / poison shield, only a couple of people were allowed to game with it or test it, whatever the case was.

    These gamers are not hacking, circumventing the PR process, or anything else. If you don't see an available way to obtain Rare Skills for yourself, that means we're working on it and evaluating it.

    It's unnecessary and incorrect to call the gamers (who have it) hackers, cheaters, etc., as it's not the case.

    The future availability of this for everyone is "to be determined."

    In the interim, please stop harrassing them in-game about it. It creates unnecessary debates that could just as well be discussions that take place here.
  2. jtork

    jtork Senior Member

    FYI - beside chargers - Smokers are almost instant rare skill kill ...
  3. Stoned

    Stoned Senior Member

    How do you get these rare skills? Or is it only the people chosen to test it may use it?
  4. jtork

    jtork Senior Member

    from what I heard, He got it from a toaster drop maybe by admin coop while back
  5. kuko

    kuko MG Donor

  6. erik

    erik MG Donor

    If an Admin spawns an item or toaster that gives you this, it's considered a "right place at the right time" situation.

    That means we could also be developing it, or even further-evaluating it for permanent in-game placement or usage.

    This is just like the Poison Shield someone was "allowed" while playing HD a few months ago.

    It's more or less an allowance, and you're lucky to have it if you get it. No, people aren't chosen or selected; there's no favoritism or concession taking place; usually during these Admin-hosted events, you'll have to be the first to rush to it, or find it in a Scavenger Hunt-style map.
  7. Captain Obviuos

    Captain Obviuos MG Donor

    I don't need something to GIVE me rare skills, I already HAVE them. :tongue1:
    Bottom line is, adding extra perks to select gamers in a non-testing situation could be viewed as favoritism or cheating, let's be honest about that; and to say it isn't, well, that depends on which side of the line one is standing. Personally, I am of the opinion that if someone needs to cheat me to beat me, it's a compliment -- and I'm not saying the situation we're discussing here IS cheating. As long as whatever these perks are become available to everyone eventually, I have no problem with people having more than me; I'm used to THAT. :D