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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by viethai2207, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. viethai2207

    viethai2207 MG Donor

    i have a question.
    is mg server allow u to use ur .CFG file ?
  2. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I'm not sure what you're asking, Kenny.

    If you mean "is the MG server able to SEE my .cfg file?," then the answer is "possibly;" If a gamer (I don't mean you) uses an exploit or some sort of hack, and chooses to launch it via a setting/configuration in there, then it could be picked up by the system or even VAC.

    If you mean, "Can I view MG's server configuration or files," the answer is always going to be a firm "no," no matter what the file is.

    If you mean, "Can I modify the .cfg files in my L4D2 installation?," the answer is "sometimes." Some like to use mods or addons that are outside the realm of your simple "copy & paste" .vpk installation. Some, though, aren't really ethical (or are on-the-fence with regard to exploit or not.)

    Use your best judgement; if you're giving yourself new abilities or are finding workarounds to gaming controls, your mouse, or stuff that PR normally won't do for you... that's not really "ethical gaming."

    Hopefully the answer you need is somewhere in here.
  3. viethai2207

    viethai2207 MG Donor

    ok got it, thank you :P.
    so i cant use cfg file to make my left click repeat click itself then i wont need to keep clicking?if not i guess i have to click it :(,stress finger =))
  4. erik

    erik MG Donor

    lol @ the irony... turns out you actually meant that example.

    Perhaps you asked me at one point, idk why I was compelled to use that one. Perhaps it was in the back of my mind.

    The answer is no. You can not do that because making an "auto-fire" or "automatic" way of firing a single-shot weapon is circumventing the PR mod. We have things like Fast Trigger and other skills/upgrades/buffs to help... but making an automatic weapon or rapid-fire weapon or melee swing rate of what OTHERWISE would be impossible for a human to do with their mouse... that is unethical gaming.

    Anything that produces those types of unnatural results puts you at risk of being banned for Exploiting or Hacking.

    Just try going into Start ---> Control Panel ---> Mouse Settings. Increase the Double-Click Speed. It helps with a firing rate, for example, if you choose to wield dual pistols. Why is that allowed? Because it works within the simple parameters of your Windows OS and doesn't avoid, circumvent, or get around anything in the system.

    If there is a way to edit your .cfg TO ONLY ENABLE SENSITIVE DOUBLE-CLICKING WHILE IN-GAME, I don't know of it, and never heard of it.

    Many people use "on the fence" (borderline unethical or cheat-level) modified settings; this is usually to re-pounce as a hunter. Some cry "hax" some cry "hey it's within the rules!" Those are usually cheap gamers who NEED these petty workarounds to improve their game. I've seen you play, and I believe you're above that.

    In the end, the closer you are to the "totally diehard ethical" side of the gaming fence, the more respect you'll get from the others in the gaming community.
  5. viethai2207

    viethai2207 MG Donor

    ok got it, cause i havent change the double click sensitive, idk why every time i change it, then i go in the game, its change back to normal, idk what happen to logitech mouse O.o, cant put it on max setting =.=
  6. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Check your system tray by where the clock is. That's usually where any 3rd-party software would be... I believe with some Logitech gaming mice, you have to use their software to configure your custom settings, otherwise Control Panel-->Mouse changes could be overridden.

    Just lookup your mouse model on the internet.

    I used to use an ASUS Replublic Of Gamer's mouse that came w/ a gaming rig... and I absolutely HAD TO change any settings through their utility. Now it's borked and I have a $12.00 Microsoft 3-button mouse and can just change it in Control Panel.
  7. Ping

    Ping Guest

    Unethical maybe, a different option which works is binding buttons to rapidfire on your keyboard and will never get you banned. You can just Google the binds for this.
  8. erik

    erik MG Donor


    Depends on what it is. Just cuz something isn't technically bannable doesn't make it right. I've heard of Fire Wire or some plugin that lets you change keys...

    I tried it myself and didn't see any issue with it, other than that it intermittently knocks out your left mouse button... I jsut chose to use the archaic safe Windows Control Panel method (still talking about firing rate.) I didn't like the errors from it, didn' tlike modifying my cfg, didn't want one more thing to remember to backup... and it just plain-old caused problems.

    When I say unethical, I'm more referring to the quote/unquote LERP'ers who get a modified hitbox & have enhanced hunter abilities... all predicated on the fact that it's "technically not bannable."
  9. tank

    tank MG Donor


    Lol,what you mean don't want stress finger?
    Any game you play need click on and click on to shoot again.
    In L4d1&2 is a one command witch allow you shoot all time 1click shoot,but its a "cheat" when "sv_cheats" need be enable on 1, and that mean that will not work on MG or any other dedicated server on steam ecxept
    on local servers or some servers with no vac and anticheat.

    -You can buy some normal mouse to test ( no need be famous)

    -No need bind key just switch left click to any key ,in game go to settnigs/keyboard
    (i use TAB for knife and sniper zoom)

    -or buy microsoft xbox360 gamepad
  10. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Fuck that shit! $12.00 3-button USB mouse
  11. tank

    tank MG Donor
