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[PR]/!\W?NTED/!\ N

Discussion in 'Clan Introduction & Recruitment' started by skizz, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. skizz

    skizz Junior Member



    - Current Members - in Wanted(18 members)

    *Leader and co-leader *




    hello everybody we are a french guild to play for fun and together as a team . Do want to join a french guild ? Well we have created this guild for that , if you want to join us you need to understand how to speak french . Requirements : Active players only ( 16 hours by week min ) , have and play with a legit steam , Then the leader will contact you via the forums and steam to get to know you.

    Nous sommes une
  2. skizz

    skizz Junior Member

    Merci a toi :D !
  3. Ping

    Ping Guest

    Vous voulez dire que le clan fran
  4. skizz

    skizz Junior Member

    yes,it's a french clan,only composed of french players,I do not know if some exemptions could be done.
  5. skizz

    skizz Junior Member

    Bump,new guild Wanted
  6. [?²] B?B

    [?²] B?B Guest

    new update to wanted 2

    we are level 5

    buff : extra knife ; discount ; EXP farmer

    : GRIMREAPER co-leader

    new members are


    : XAYDEN

    : SHINO


    : AK-47


    : ISIS-89


    welcome to new player have a good time and go to kill zombies.

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you inviting me to your guild? If so, I'm not interested :)
  8. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    There's a wannabe
  9. [?²] B?B

    [?²] B?B Guest

    hello MG legend. i m sorry but it s not you.
  10. LEGEND

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Ah it's all good then. Have fun playing!
  11. [?²] B?B

    [?²] B?B Guest

    we got 5 stars

  12. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    stick to topic
  13. [?²] B?B

    [?²] B?B Guest

    yop je sais bien c est skizzz qui s en occupe actuellement
  14. MetallicA

    MetallicA <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    This needs to be updated
  15. [?²] B?B

    [?²] B?B Guest

    hello everybody the post need a big update but the guy who work on it , gives no sign of lives
  16. Lord

    Lord MG Donor

    5 Stars= AWESOMENESS
  17. skizz

    skizz Junior Member

    tell me what uptdate you need to i make of the topic...will do it fast.
  18. Lord

    Lord MG Donor

    One thing..... I don't know why I'm still in the thread xD.
  19. MetallicA

    MetallicA <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    ... again :D