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Points Reloaded 1.3 versus online for testing!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    PR 1.3 VS is now running on the US server!
  2. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    NICE! Thanks Marvel
  3. lukemurawski

    lukemurawski Senior Member

    Kitties, Legend, I leave the bugs to you ^^

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Been away for the weekend, however I have noticed that bugs thread and I shall definitely be working on the bugs. Leave it to us then, why don't you psht :P
  5. vallek

    vallek MG Donor

    still no option to turn off class changing :(

    and you cant move while puking as a boomer, hope this is a bug...
  6. Lord

    Lord MG Donor

    Okay... So I started playing the v1.3 Versus. I gained about 9 levels for Trueskill.
    Then, on Dark Carnival there was 2 tanks rapping us in the saferoom while the thing called contagious mutation is spreading and we couldn't fcking do anything because all we could see was a flashing screen. After we died, the whole team lost more than 5 levels. In just one fcking round. Is it possible to lose that much levels in one round?!

    P.S. Teams are still stacked.
  7. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Lots of people, including myself, crash after every map on this server.
  8. vallek

    vallek MG Donor

    and also mid round or when pressing tab etc
  9. lukemurawski

    lukemurawski Senior Member

    Stacked teams are calculated. Losing 5 skill levels in one round at the beginning is very plausible. The system is trying to accurately measure out your team's performance, so initial changes yield large results. The more you play, however, the more precise its rating becomes.
  10. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    The Trueskill player list only shows 16 players. I logged in lastnight and was player 18 or 19, never got to see what my TS was.
    Could you add a next page, or show it somewhere else also, like the CP ?
  11. longjohn

    longjohn Member

    i've just tried playing on the server, its been lagging pretty badly for me. While the server ping (for me) gave me nice 17 ping, while playing their was huge delay in everything I was doing. (felt like every action was in slow motion)

    server seem to lag yes. my questions, maybe to many mods running? or server can't handle it?

    hope this gets sorted out, really am looking forward playing with new update.

    thanks marvel
  12. lukemurawski

    lukemurawski Senior Member

    Jesus! We have so many little kids lately.

    I did not design the algorithm. If you think you're smarter than those guys at the Microsoft Research Center, then by all means, curse at them. If your skill is not going up as fast as you would have hoped, it's not a problem with the mod, it's a problem with you. Moreover, TrueSkill has nothing to do with farming. In fact, it's so remote that trueskill doesn't even consider any EXP/points you earn in its calculation.

    Before you start jumping to conclusions and complain, try to appreciate the fact that we spend our time and money to bring people something to enjoy in their leisurely time. And FYI, we don't earn a dime for it. It would be constructive criticism if you at least point out things that are wrong (so we can fix it) than to simply argue. It's not fair to those who develop this mod, nor I who spent over 80 hours learning to mod after HonorCode initially left, to simply complain without providing any reasons. Left 4 Dead 2 is an aging game, and most of the world has moved on. Appreciate the fact that we are still adding new content to it at the very least.

    This is pathetic. If anyone wants to complain, provide a reason so we can improvise.

    [QUOTE=Roland Cul
  13. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    It's always the same when something new comes out, some people love it others hate it, look at Windows 8 :)

    Anyway pr 1.3 is a pretty huge update. You can't expect for things to run smooth right from the start, it needs time and effort. That's why the topic said FOR TESTING and that's why we still run 1.2 servers.

    If you wanna help to improve it report bugs, make suggestions etc. otherwise please go play 1.2 for now because all that bitching about nothing is not helping at all.
  14. The Fire Fist graphic is kinda odd. It looks like a frost spray attack than actual flames being shot.
  15. Blame ad for it not new pr because i played 2 campaign in a row without l4d2 crash(as my ingame ad are disabled :fencing:).Btw luke can you give option to change class using command like !ts>class/skill/etc>mage and to assign a key to use magic because i don't like having knife and magic using 1 key.
  16. I played quite a bit 1.3 vs today and what i saw was si spamming dark fog and disort spell on survivors,its would be better if you increase magic time from 100 to 200 for these spells and also bounty so no more spamming magic.And i would like to see dark fog as a skill in boomer puke of lvl 50 ts player than in magic spell.