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Phishing site`s

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by PurplePuppet, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. PurplePuppet

    PurplePuppet Guest

    Hi Guys,
    Just to let MG Members/admins alike.
    I had a so called friend on my friend`s list, who I don`t know personally, sent me in text chat while online....he sent this message!!!

    Hi ! It's Steam happy Hours . You can download two steam games for free .Go and choose your games in
    ! Send This to all your friends and don't forget to say thanks.


    I contacted steam support and they reported back to me, with this:-

    Thank you for contacting Steam Support. We apologize for the delay.

    This user has sent you a link to a phishing site. These fake Steam websites will record the account information used to log into the site.

    We will investigate this matter and take appropriate action.

    Please note that you will not receive a notification about any action taken as a result of this report.

    If you have any further difficulty, please let us know.

    I did not click the link that was sent to me, but wanted to let my fellow members know about this guy.

    He is called
    [TGC] Paladin Of Light

    If this person is on your friends list, I would advise to BLOCK immediately!!!!


    LEGEND Senior Member

    Thanks, but what I dont get is; when you clicked on it, you're Steam browser opened and it starting sending random shizzle to random sites? That's messed.
  3. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Thanks for letting me know. I blocked him from my list. I remember playing with him almost half a year ago on L4D2, but never saw him again. Yeah, that's definitely a phishing site. I went in and bypassed Chrome's attempts to stop me from visiting and entered a username and password (words have been censored on the forum ;)):

    Username: F***_You_Bit**_AndGoSuckSome
    Password: ****You********************and*****

    And the thing took it and said "Thank you for Logging in, you will get an email soon with your free games" xD

    Basically all it does it log whatever you enter, as I suspected. It won't mess with your steam, because programatically it can't through a web page, although it can open steam-default links (which doesn't do much anyways). So I went in and spammed the log lol. I might write a fun program which keeps submitting thousands of spam member infos to his site :)
  4. PurplePuppet

    PurplePuppet Guest

    OMG!!! Nice LOL!!!
  5. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    I got banned from his site xD
  6. PurplePuppet

    PurplePuppet Guest

    LOL!!! What did u do????
  7. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Well, I wrote a simple program with C# .NET that makes use of the web browser control. You enter a fake username and password and hit Go. The program will create another thread and keep on filling the form with the username/pass you entered and continuously submit it thousands of times. It spams his log file :) Want it?
  8. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Sure thing! i love to troll phishing sites
  9. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Which version of IE are you running?
  10. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    Thanks for the headup PP :)

    lool nice :D
  11. totte1015

    totte1015 Junior Member

    This happens to me often... Anything i can do to report his ass?