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Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Stefeman, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Anyone overclockers here?

    I recently had to underclock again due stability issues. Had to reset my RAM clocks as well =/

    So here's my CPU at the moment.

  2. HighVolt@ge

    HighVolt@ge Senior Member

    I stopped overclocking when I got a quad. System alot more stable after that for sure LOL, had the specs so just went with it.
    Make sure your volts are all good... Theres so many things in bios nowadays *shakes head*. Thats a strong system you have, do you REALLY need the stress on your system with those specs? :P lol
  3. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Do they offer a manufacturer utility like ASUS provides w/ gaming motherboards? I have a million year old P5Q Premium that came with the AI Suite, which helps you make sure changes are commensurate/scaled before committing them.

    Your figures are so generous I wonder why you want to O/C, Stefe. :)

    G-Force is right about BIOS settings...

    (Just curious what do you guys who are all up-to-date with hardware do with your "old" stuff?)

    Edit... I just remembered... Christopher (PurplePuppet) may know a thing or 2 about this... he's all decked-out w/ a crazy gaming PC.
  4. HighVolt@ge

    HighVolt@ge Senior Member

    I would strongly recommend doing research on your hardware an manually modifying settings slowly... My rig is fairly outdated an I basically stopped looking into new hardware since I haven't REALLY needed an upgrade,, but when I was OC'ing, you never EVER wanted to use the auto OC features. And voltages are SOOOOO important,, research your hardware ;)

    I used to sell my old gear to friends(would give to certain friends if they NEEDED the parts) or Ebay when I upgraded
  5. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Mine just had the capability, I installed the software to see what affected what... Never had the guts to roll the dice w/ messing up my hardware. I was already sickly from having to update my BIOS and I honestly forget why; I think it was something having to do w/ a network adapter.

    @ Part II, tell me if you eBay-up anything, cuz the shipping to my house from yours would be like $1.00 and last I remember you don't smoke around your equipment.

    I need some new stuff soon but don't have a quadrillion dollars to spend (cough Stefeman cough Zsoka cough CrazyRabbit cough) on it.
  6. Adward

    Adward Game Server Moderator Staff Member

    THIS TIMES A ZILLION. Known too many dudes who have ramped up the power on a chip that couldn't handle it and fried the CPU. Work up to a stable max while keeping an eye using utilities like Coretemp.

    Same! Never needed to do anything CPU related since I fitted an i5-2500k. It's overclockable, but I haven't needed to at all.
  7. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    That's why I don't overclock, stability issues :)

    My hardware is pretty high-end and so far I can run everything I want so I don't see any need to overclock my system :)
  8. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    The ASUS motherboard I just got has the EZ Mode bios with settings for the Ai Suite. I was checking it out last night. The board itself has a few switches for GPU Boost and EPU (performance stability) and you can use the MEMTest OK! button to check your memory during overclocking.

    I won't be doing any overclocking on the 3.4ghz I have already, but in the bios it shows a 4ghz option if I turn on "performance" mode.
  9. WeeJocky

    WeeJocky Game Server Moderator

    Factory overclocked gpu but other than that I tend not to do it to any great extent. If a part of my computer starts to become too slow for my requirements then I take it as a sign to upgrade. Having just acquired a new gpu I hope that I will have no need to do any overclocking or upgrading for a couple of years at least.