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Old School

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Vulcan, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

  2. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator

  3. vishus puss

    vishus puss MG Donor

    Is that you singing Vulcan? :D
  4. Bonekeep

    Bonekeep Guest

  5. kaos-

    kaos- MG Donor

    Alright, who let all the seniors outta the old age home?
  6. kaos-

    kaos- MG Donor

    Gah, I might as well join in...

  7. Yvan?vitch

    Yvan?vitch Guest

  8. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator

  9. kaos-

    kaos- MG Donor

    Umm, I was 0 years old when revenge of the nerds came out.. lol i only watched it recently when it was posted on ninja video a few years ago..
  10. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator

    Dang...I saw it in the theater. :(