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No Suicide?, No Problem!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mr Zombie, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    Ok, so im playing l4d1 today and jump off a building with a boomer and try
    to suicide just before I hit the ground but no, boomer does belly flop on
    paving slabs lol. If some one had asked me lat week if I though suicide should
    be removed I would have said no for sure, but after playing it today I feel I
    would have been totally wrong, it brings back a little more strategy to the server
    along with the SI spawn choice limitations.

    Who ever done this great Job :)

    but I was just wondering what the others players think of it?:spider:
  2. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Self detonating (Suicide) is needed on l4d1..

    When door opens, 5 boomers rushes in and self detonates before any survior gets out.. this will reduce the survior's health alot..

    for a smoker, when survior is incappped, smoker rushes to that incapped survior and self detonates (suicides) only smoke what blocks survior from being revived is left behind.. this slows down the survior's movement.
  3. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    Self detonating IS on l4d1.
  4. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    No its not on L4D1 and I would really hate to see it return, even as some one that used it a lot,
    there is no need for it, the players are dieing with out it and any way players just shoot as soon
    as they see a boomer/smoker. with out it you have time to get the claws stuck in and do some
    additional damage, so with out it more damage is done but the players, if they think, have a chance
    to act to help them selfs instead of just stumbling around blind for most of the map.

    LEGEND Senior Member

    I think it is a good thing too. If you can't detonate people are more likely to play more. Any bugs can be sorted out by joining another team or reconnecting :)
  6. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    Too be honest the amount of time I spend being blind and being moved sideways and backwards
    from boomer and hunter kinda grates after a while and does stop me playing as much, dont missundrstand
    I really like the l4d1 servers but when ya got a bad team or out numbered there is little chance
    to scrap through a level and for me that is the way I see it should be, the servs (not all of them)
    should just about make it, well one or two any way. I mean if ya knbow your going to win whats the point.