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No Religion is a rule?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ping, Aug 15, 2012.

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  1. Ping

    Ping Guest

    So I make a reference to The Bible then Mr. zombie comes and warns me and tells me


    However I can't find any rule against it and to be an implied rule it is really too vague...
  2. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Havent heard of such rule either.. (Other than: "We are not in a church), but that's related to offensive language :P

    But what i've hear this:

    "polo and ping have been constantly abusing and harrasing other members and the guild leader of immortal, they have been doing it for about a month now"

    Also, im wondering why there are admin in a guild other than "MG admins" as the admins were cause of last shitstorm which was similar to this..

    Someone cares to explain? :P
  3. Ping

    Ping Guest

    Me, only once I insulted a member then when I got warned stopped. I will contact you.
  4. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    Religion is generally a banned subject on forums as general netiquette because it causes flame wars, incites versus threads and usually turns out to be a negative topic.
    The wiki in game rules section makes no reference to rules against religion.
    The forum Moderators still have not posted any forum rules, so how is one supposed to understand forum rules when there aren't any...?
  5. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Just stop the abuse and get along lol.

    Surely being competitive is good, but if you dont want people to post into ur guild thread, state that in thread rules then.

    However if you comment/quote from bible was meant to make fun of other religions or discriminate them, use common sense and don't post those comments..

    If someone starts to paste content of bible into forums i'll just think, that guy is nuts and leave it be, unless it starts to get disturbing.. i dont think we need rules for everything, as everyone should know the limit.
  6. TJ

    TJ MG Donor

    This ^^

    I know this is off-topic, but in response to your question: I'm pretty sure the "no admins in any guild other than MG Admins" rule was never made official last time I checked. It was suggested, but I dont think Marvel made it official.

    Admins in non-admin guild (might be inaccurate):
    -Avilroad (STARS)
    -Zombie (Immortal)
    -Hazemburg (GOD)
    -Ami (Rage)
    -Zero (Rage)
    -Zsoka (GOD)
    -any others?

    Also, even if those admins leave/left their guilds, I don't see how that would change anything. The rule about admins and guilds was made because some admins were accused of acting in favor of their guild. In fact, Erik was one of the admins being accused of acting out against Reap in favor of GOD and he was in the MG Admin guild at the time (go figure). Also, Atreyu for example, still wears his old guild tag even though he's not in his guild. I could accuse him of acting in favor of the guild he used to be in (just an example, not an accusation). The suggested rule about the admin guild was flawed and would've solved nothing.
  7. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    It was made official In the admin section.
  8. Ping

    Ping Guest

    How are people supposed to know rules that only reside in admin discussion? (Not particularly that rule, but I have seen many admins tell me that situation x has been discussed in admin section and so is a rule.. and I find it rather annoying)
  9. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    If it ain't written(where us normal forum go'ers can read it) It ain't said...
  10. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Good thing that doesn't apply to you then :P
  11. The rules will not list out every possible "gray zone" to avoid; the judgement on discussion lies on the poster's behalf, as many rules are implicit in nature. In other words, the standard is that most users here are mature enough not to discuss provocative topics that may involve some sort of conflict between race, religion, etc.
  12. TJ

    TJ MG Donor

    So are you saying/implying that those admins named above have been breaking the rule(s) for a few months now without any consequences? How then can we take mg rules seriously when the enforcers don't even follow them?
  13. Thread closed to prevent flaming / off-topic posting. Please discuss any guild issues on a separate thread.
  14. LEGEND

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Before we close the thread, I'll answer the questions.

    It was made official In the admin section... with certain conditions. We were going to design a system where the admins who were in guilds had a restricted amount of access to the server commands. However, with the release of 1.3 it was never implemented. The majority of the admins left their respective guilds but others still remained in the hope that they could experience the guild treatment on the condition that they give up their commands. They have not been breaking the rules, but if they have favoured their guilds then consequences will be swift.

    @Ping: I think zombie was feeling a little heated when he claimed that rule existed. Yet I cannot, for the life of me, fathom why you would quote the Bible on a gaming forum. This is not a forum that imposes any form of religion on any other member and does not test anyone's faith or belief. Thank you.

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