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NEW: Vicious Infected Reloaded EU

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Hi all,

    Vicious Infected has to move to another server, so I decided to run a new version of it next to the old one. It will be online for testing a couple of days, if players like it over the old one I will shut down the old one and run this, if you don't like it this one will just be reverted to it's old state.

    What's new:

    - Charger can turn corners while charging. This might be overpowered but please test. Might need to decrase chargers speed.

    - Survivor upgrades reloaded has been added, which means you'll get certain upgrades for kill streaks. Type !upgrades to see which one.

    For more info see: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=1631167

    Please post any feedback in this topic.

    The IP/port is

    Have fun! :)
  2. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Thanks! Gonna test it out now

    EDIT: server crashed after a few minutes... was checking !upgrades out but all it gives is the survivor list and a 0%, wasn't moving any even after killing stuff

    EDIT2: tried the charger's charge. It's fun and easy to steer but fast enough to avoid steep turns and 90' corners. Although this makes karma charging alot easier on certain maps... (dead center)
  3. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah I was afraid of that, I'll wait until the guy releases a more stable version. Removed it for now
  4. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Ok I'll leave charger steering there, old EU VI is down.
  5. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    I think it crashed again

    nvm steam update lol
  6. Sycorax

    Sycorax Member

    Are you using this Plugin for the Charger thing? Because I've tried it once, and if I remember correctly, it allows the survivor who's getting charged to turn too, which would make karma charges almost impossible.
    I could be wrong about this though, I'll test it soonish.
    //Edit: checked, survivors can't steer.
  7. Zsoka

    Zsoka Senior Member

    I really love the charger, makes it quite interesting.

    Now just need the timer on Blood Harvest and Crash Course. :)
  8. Ping

    Ping Guest

    We need charger move on PR! :P
  9. Seeker Sheol

    Seeker Sheol Senior Member

    its so awesome chargeing them round corners i would say just leave it how it is, dont bother putting the !upgrades onto the server , i feel most of the eu vi players wouldnt want the upgrade system on VI, am one of them, only thing about the new charger is maybe he goes a little to far like you can run with them for a good bit, if it was just shorted a bit would be good, other than that i find it awesome and good fun, its going to make it much harder for the surviors to make it to the saferoom, which is good in my view =)
  10. Zsoka

    Zsoka Senior Member

    A good counter for the massive fire bullets.
  11. Seeker Sheol

    Seeker Sheol Senior Member

    yes and no, sure you will be able to maybe dodge them better with the charger being able to turn , but it only takes about 3 fire bullets to kill the charger so you will still die really fast if hit by them, but i can see myself getting past the massive pain that is fire ammo, just cos its so much fun to charge people round corners and taking them back and hiding them behind walls so you cant be shot and forcing them to come and get the guy, or maybe they will just leave them to die, i still think it will be awesome playing once the server is full, i cant wait =)
  12. AzureKite

    AzureKite MG Donor

    Well, I think, in my opinion and in the opinion of many regulars players of VI, that those change are going to completely rui-ning the game ! I explain :

    The old VI was absolutely perfect, with only one exception : the firebullet. From this moment, it was getting easier for survivor, and nobody really wanted this change. The gameplay was still okay, but a little unbalanced for infected.

    But NOW, with the new Charger skill, the game is COMPLETELY unbalanced, and that will make new raging situation happen, like for exemple : one splitted team, with an average way of teamwork, if someone just get charged with a controlable charger, he can immediately be bring back to the start (best exemple is Swamp Fever for this), then who will really want to go back to help him ??
    Just nobody. That will make a new form of rage, rage because only ONE charger grabbed back from the mid-map to the beginning one survivor, and no one will risk their ass for helping him. This is the end of teamwork and teamplay.

    Other exemple, the ridiculusely easy way to get a karma with this (NM final, DC 1st map, etc...). That will make loosing the "special thing" that make a successful karma so attractive.
    Now, getting a karma with that system will be a simple walk in the park, and will be as normal as shooting a common infected. No hard work, no focus, no stress to get it. Only an easy way and boring.

    For all of those reason, we, players of VI, agree that putting this new skill is a REALLY BAD idea. This is the same for survivor upgrade, which absoluetly no one wants this on VI, and would screw up the server.

    On PR servers, why not ?That could be a good bluff !

    But VI must stay a pro old school server with his awesome gameplay, and not begin to be a variant of PR.

    Untill now, VI was simply perfect. So the ONLY things to do, for keeping it as good as always is :

    - REMOVING the double fireammo, which NO ONE wants : that will balance perfectly the game like everyone is asking ! THIS is the solution ! Not the charger, not the survivor upgrade, nothing !

    - ADD the final timer on Blood Harvest and Crash Course
    : that will prevent unlimited time on final, and raging players for waiting too long.

    I hope that you will consider our request, from us, regular players of VI ;)
    Thank you :)
  13. Ping

    Ping Guest

    You can only charge for 5-10 seconds then it stops you.
  14. avilroad

    avilroad MG Donor

    He is right.Vi is Vi.PR is PR.Don't add any upgrade system there
  15. LEGEND

    LEGEND Senior Member

    [​IMG] ;p
  16. AzureKite

    AzureKite MG Donor

    I just come back from a Crash Course and Death Toll game, and guess what, exactly like I said :
    When someone has been charged to the beginning of the map, absolutely NOBODY had the courage to come to rescue him.
    He died alone without any teamwork, and that wouldn't have happened if the charger didn't have this skill.

    First map of Death Toll is also completely screwed with the 2 ways arround the path. Every charger grab a survivor and directly put him at the bottom of the way. Conclusion : the team failed even before going up the ladder...

    With those changes, this is the end of teamplay, and the beginning of new way of ragequit/switch, and overall the end of fun game...

    Just like avilroad said, please let VI as VI and PR as PR !
    Add this plugin to PR, remove us the double firebullet, and give us the BH/CC timer, that's only what all we want ;)
  17. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Ok so Charger Steering is a bad idea, I removed it now so VI is VI again right now :)
  18. szSteam_76561198049914430

    szSteam_76561198049914430 Last Online: 39 hrs, 42 mins ago

    Can you put it to Pr :D , would be awesome ...or well Honorcode could do it.
  19. AzureKite

    AzureKite MG Donor

    Thank you so much for bring it back to normal Marvel ! :)

    VI is really back now ! Hell yay ;)

    PR is better for that kind of things 8)

    And if you have time, please don't forget the BH/CC timer :rolleyes2:
  20. avilroad

    avilroad MG Donor
