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New Steam Group (mgftw)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Jun 2, 2011.

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  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Hi all,

    Valve is refusing to re-open our steam group. Reason: stimulating piracy. I guess it was because we had a non-steam patch section on our forum, so that one is removed now and I've created a new group:


    This group will be low profile. It will only containt the needed info to get you here and it won't allow any group member comments and stuff. It will purely be used so that new people can join it to re-find our servers and for announcements and events.

    All other communication will go through this forum or in-game from now on :)

    I know it sucks that we have to start all over again, but the good news is that all the other admins that used our group for advertising our servers are gone now.

    So please leave the old group and join the new one! :)
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