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New: Points Reloaded Custom Campaigns! (8v8)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, May 17, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    We have a new server, Points Reloaded CUSTOM! It will serve fairly small but very good custom campaigns, four of them in fact!!

    Here's the download link to get you instant ready to play and to make sure you have all the right map versions!


    If you are a donor, please see the donor forum for access to high speed direct download links.

    File size: ~320 MB. Extract the file with WinRAR, double click the VPK's to install or copy them to the following directory on your PC:

    C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\addons

    Server IP:

    Campaigns served:

    Precinct 84:


    Questionable Ethics:


    Tour of Terror:


    2 Evil Eyes:


    You can download all individual campaigns through these links as well, but I can't guarantee you have the right version to match the server if you do so.

    Have fun!
  2. bloodhand

    bloodhand MG Donor

    if u want can i give u 20 more custom campaigns? i can post links if u want just tell me pls
  3. {BA} L.

    {BA} L. Guest

    Nice one, three I haven't played, and one I rather enjoyed. I really hope this gets popular, as it'd be nice to have a regular cycle of custom campaigns going.

    Not that I'm suggesting we change yet, but I recommend Suicide Blitz, Death Aboard, Dead before Dawn and I Hate Mountains.
  4. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor


    But i remember marvel putting it in MG l4d1 but very little players played and then the server just died.

    i like i hate mountain, the map is vast and beautiful with all the firefly, i remember playing with Legend in versus, i was in his team, i played b4, so i knew where to go but i died early. Legend went on with the team and the whole team died because they were lost. lol
  5. {BA} L.

    {BA} L. Guest

    I posted a comment on behalf of MG on the four campaigns on L4DMaps.com, saying we were using them for a new PR server. Thought it might get some new players in.
  6. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    You can always try doing the Military Industrial COmplex. I'm sure that would provide entertainment for everyone.
  7. ZombieGirl

    ZombieGirl Senior Member

    Death abord, isn't that the one with the lighthouse at the end?:unsure:
  8. bloodhand

    bloodhand MG Donor

    i have the following maps installed :
    2evileyes, carriedoff, city17, damnit, deadbeforedawn, deadcity2, deadontime, deathsentence, deathabord2, deathtollmodified5, detoureahead, heavencanwait, ihatemountains2, diescraper, jsarena, one4nine5, ravenholmwar, deadair, noesis, pretinct84, tourofterror, questionableethics
    very good are : ihatemountains, diescraper, heavencanwait, 2evileyes, deathsentence, one4nine, noesis

    if u want i add them here
  9. {BA} L.

    {BA} L. Guest

    As nice as it would be, I don't think we'll be able to run that many campaigns Mr Bloodhand

    Once numbers pick up, and we gauge opinions on the current maps, perhaps then we could all discuss a fifth (or a replacement if one of them isn't working out).
  10. Kitties

    Kitties Head Administrator

    I have not been able to see this server in the server list, have to connect manually.
  11. ocp

    ocp Junior Member

  12. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    What happen to the EU PR custom map server??????

    Taken down temporarily?????

    When will it be up again or will it???????????
  13. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    It ran helms deep last night. We will use it as event server. When it ran questionable ethics there were only 3 or 4 players mostly just farming points.
  14. {BA} L.

    {BA} L. Guest

    Is it going to go back to custom campaigns? I think in total, we did have around 30 different people try it, so perhaps with a different campaign (Lord knows I didn't much like QE) and some in game messages on other servers, and maybe a slight slight chance of a toaster vendor popping up at the end, we might be able to make this work. I'd vote for Precinct 34 or Detour Ahead to have a go.
  15. Kitties

    Kitties Head Administrator

    Honestly, I and at least a few others feel that this should be a coop server. I know I've talked to you about this before L, and at least you and davzee will disagree with me on this, but I feel like a lot more doors will be open to us by making it a coop server. I'll probably end up making a thread about this in the admin section when I wake up to see what the others think.
  16. LEGEND

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Coop Server +1 idea
  17. evilpaul

    evilpaul <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    I think people got bored by QE just looping back to the start again. Total player count is never going to get very high if people realise they are going to be playing Groundhog Day and quit. If the server could cycle through all the custom campaigns I think it would see higher usage, VS or COOP.
  18. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    i agree with evil paul, should have allow the 4 campaign to rotate rather than playing 1 campaign all the way.. this would increase the number of players joining in.

    but i also have to say that some of the map should not even be for versus like QE campaign. Its a perfect map for being infected than survivor. also not all of our players did download the custom map, so usage will still be low but not as low as just playing 1 campaign again and again.. people get bored of it..

    I recommend allowing to rotate all 4 campaign as a trial run again, then create a thread for players to vote like for example,

    Which campaign is suitable for coop?
    Which campaign is suitable for versus?
    Which campaign is suitable for survival mode?

    as i understand that you all love helms deep, and the custom map server was used for helm deep.. so maybe someone with power in MG can suggest to take the top 2 custom map and join it in rotation with helms deep..
    and WALLA... you have a survival server.. lol.. i think too much..
  19. {BA} L.

    {BA} L. Guest

    Actually, I'm all for turning it co-op. I like Versus more, but for custom campaigns, co-op is probably the way to go. I'd say we should have at least two campaigns for variety, plus my previous ideas of toaster vendor and in-game messages on other servers.
  20. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member