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new firemode for ur weapons :D

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Miracle470, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. Miracle470

    Miracle470 Member

    ty to TickleFight From GameBanana for this scripet :D

    //Key Bindings
    bind mouse1 +attack
    bind 0 "toggleburst"
    bind - "togglesingle"
    bind = "toggleauto"

    bind [ togglealloff
    bind ] toggleburst

    //These next bindings are to turn off special mode when switching to grenades, pain pills, or med kit.
    bind "3" "togglealloff;slot3"
    bind "4" "togglealloff;slot4"
    bind "5" "togglealloff;slot5"
    bind "MWHEELUP" "togglealloff;invprev"
    bind "MWHEELDOWN" "togglealloff;invnext"

    //default mode to start in

    //default colors for each mode
    alias crosssingle crosswhite
    alias crossburst crossgreen
    alias crossauto crossred
    alias crossnormal crossblue

    //Primary Weapon Mode **************************************************************************************
    alias singlefire "+attack;wait 3;-attack"
    alias +singleshot "singlefire"
    alias -singleshot "-attack"
    alias +burstshot "singlefire;wait 8;singlefire;wait 8;singlefire"
    alias -burstshot "-attack"
    alias +autoshoot "alias autoloop +autoshoot;singlefire;wait 6;autoloop"
    alias -autoshoot "alias autoloop -attack"
    alias autosafe "alias autoloop -attack;autoloop"
    alias autoloop +autoshoot

    //Firing Defaults *******************************************************************************************
    alias togglesingle togglesingleon
    alias toggleburst toggleburston
    alias toggleauto toggleautoon

    //Color aliases for toggling mode ***************************************************************************
    alias crossgreen "cl_crosshair_red 38;cl_crosshair_blue 38;cl_crosshair_green 220"
    alias crossblue "cl_crosshair_red 138;cl_crosshair_blue 220;cl_crosshair_green 182"
    alias crossred "cl_crosshair_red 255;cl_crosshair_blue 38;cl_crosshair_green 38"
    alias crosswhite "cl_crosshair_red 255;cl_crosshair_blue 255;cl_crosshair_green 255"

    //Toggle to a specific mode ********************************************************************************
    alias togglesingleon "togglealloff;autosafe;bind mouse1 +singleshot;crosssingle;alias togglesingle togglesingleoff"
    alias toggleburston "togglealloff;autosafe;bind mouse1 +burstshot;crossburst;alias toggleburst toggleburstoff"
    alias toggleautoon "togglealloff;autosafe;bind mouse1 +autoshoot;crossauto;alias toggleauto toggleautooff"

    //Toggle the each mode system on/off
    alias togglenormal "autosafe;bind mouse1 +attack;crossnormal"

    alias togglesingleoff "togglenormal;alias togglesingle togglesingleon"
    alias toggleburstoff "togglenormal;alias toggleburst toggleburston"
    alias toggleautooff "togglenormal;alias toggleauto toggleautoon"

    alias togglealloff "togglenormal;alias togglesingle togglesingleon;alias toggleburst toggleburston;alias toggleauto toggleautoon"
    echo Weapon mod loaded

    //Fast Melee Script (Might not work anymore)
    bind mouse5 +melee2
    alias "+melee2" "alias spamnone +spam;+spam"
    alias "-melee2" "alias spamnone echo"
    alias "+spam" "+attack2;lastinv;wait 2;-spam"
    alias "-spam" "-attack2;wait 2;spamnone"
    alias "spamnone" "echo"

    HOW TO USE???
    ll copy and past thos lines into notepad and rename the file to firemode.cfg and change it to all files type
    then copy the file u just saved to steam/steamapps/common/l4d2/l4d2/cfg
    inside the cfg map ther is file named config open it and add thos at the end exec firemode.cfg
    then start ur game and open ur console then type exec firemode.cfg a msg ll appear and tell ur the weapon mode loaded :D
    in game pree 1 of thos keys to change the fire mode 0 - =
    btw u can change the keys to what ever u need :D
    hope u enjoy it :D
  2. lukemurawski

    lukemurawski Senior Member

    Screenie? :)
  3. HighVolt@ge

    HighVolt@ge Senior Member

    Does this also come with random console kicks? This prolly isnt something I would use but console kicks was the first thing that came to mind an thought I'd ask for those who are interested
  4. Miracle470

    Miracle470 Member

    huh O.o
  5. Miracle470

    Miracle470 Member

    what do u mean by random console kick?
  6. HighVolt@ge

    HighVolt@ge Senior Member

    Hasn't happened in awhile but ppl used to randomly get kicked for pressing buttons ingame, I don't recall the specific message tho...
  7. Miracle470

    Miracle470 Member

    ll i used this mode for about 3months and never got kicked of it :D
    ppl gets kicking by spaming a command like tankhp,or buy
  8. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    Luke meant a screenshot to show what it actually is because people don't know what it is and how it looks in-game.
  9. Miracle470

    Miracle470 Member

    ll see what i can do tho since i got scripet so the crosshair wont change if i use this mode only the firemode ll change
    ll see if i can make a demo
  10. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Scripting isn't cheating.

    I read the script diagonally, all it does is control the burst fire rate of your weapons... for example in CS you have a famas and can control the burst fire with a click, so it shoots 3 bullets, pauses, then 3 more to avoid too much recoil. This one probably just helps players get some kind of anti-recoil help when they shoot, I guess.
  11. avilroad

    avilroad MG Donor

    erik, y your posts so big :whymeme:
  12. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    VPK's are not necessarily valve certified, most of them are probably not valve approved/certified. it is just a way to compress files for use with the game, like WinZIP for windows..kinda
  13. szSteam_76561198049914430

    szSteam_76561198049914430 Last Online: 39 hrs, 42 mins ago

    Very nice script/mod , the only bad is that you need to start it everytime u join a game , i'd like it auto like other mods. I tested it with all weapons and works , exept snipers but i noticed that if u press burstmode u can get 2 shoots at once while sniping :D.
  14. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    if you make a new .cfg, call it from the autoexec.cfg with :
    exec scriptname.cfg (in the same folder)
  15. szSteam_76561198049914430

    szSteam_76561198049914430 Last Online: 39 hrs, 42 mins ago

    Oh i see , thank you :).
  16. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    Hope this isn't true....
  17. Hmm,

    Why alter the game? ok it's only a small alteration but I feel a good game is where you know that everyone has the same abilities. I joined MG servers as they have there own modifications made to suit all so why change the basics?...... What's next Macro's,aimbots? ok maybe far fetched but hopefully you can see where I'm coming from.
  18. szSteam_76561198049914430

    szSteam_76561198049914430 Last Online: 39 hrs, 42 mins ago

    The script is just for ppl who want little modification , i don't know why ppl complain about it , if it was like aimbot or speed hack , then it'd be something bad but a script that just let you shoot in burst has nothing bad. most of ppl use mods for improve the way they play , i personally use mods for glows and a brighter flashlight , beacuse it's very hard to see items /ppl while u get a bile every 10s.