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New EU servers

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Hi all,

    Our new EU servers are being installed this weekend. Thanks to the great support of our players we were able to buy brand new Xeon E3 servers!

    Im at location right now to set them up. Later we'll have some global downtime to make the switch from the leaseweb machines, I'll update when that happens. Probably within the next week.

    Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
  2. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    :D Very cool! Thanks marv :)
  3. Cocaine

    Cocaine Head Administrator

  4. Striker

    Striker MG Donor

    Awesome! EU can definitely benefit from some new servers :) :thumb:
  5. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Thanks for the update :D
  6. JavCube

    JavCube MG Donor

    Great, I'm far away from EU but sometimes I get better ping there :)
  7. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Awesome news!

    Cant wait xD
  8. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Well, there's gonna be some delay, I forgot to buy RAID controllers with the servers so there's no way I can install them right now. The mobo supports raid but it's kind a more like Fakeraid which just isn't suitable enough. I can't move the site now because if one harddrive crashes we're screwed so, I need to buy raid controllers, drive all the way back to the hoster and install them.

    This kind a sucks, I'll probably have to delay this until the end of my vacation, so beginning of november.
  9. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Ouch.. Well, a month delay is not too bad :P (Considering what great thing awaits us!) 3,50Ghz! Man, i bet we can expand our mods even more xD and make the servers even better!

    As it says above, at least we are not rushing things :P
  10. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    3.9 ghz with turbo mode I believe which is obv. activated ;)
  11. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    omg.. can't wait to see it in action xD
  12. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Well, I decided to buy just one RAID controller, with very good reasons since it costs 425 euro's (!) It has 512 MB cache though, dual core 1.2 ghz cpu and a battery backup unit so it should perform pretty sweet :)

    So for the gameserver, since that data is not critical I'll use a software raid. Got a nice pic btw from the network statistics while installing L4D2 from the Steam servers, look below under 'recv' which is the rate of the data coming in, I got to 53 mB/s at one point, that's megabytes not bits ;)


    Btw I'm amazed how fast software raid actually is. This is a test on a RAID 5 volume while rebuilding is still in progress and eating away 40 mb/s.

    Timing buffered disk reads: 512 MB in 3.05 seconds = 168.01 MB/sec

    md3 : active raid5 sdd3[4] sdc3[2] sda3[0] sdb3[1]
    1414626816 blocks level 5, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/3] [UUU_]
    [==>..................] recovery = 11.6% (55118976/471542272) finish=171.1min speed=40541K/sec

    This is RAID5 over 4x WD SATA 7200 RPM Caviar Black disks with 64 mB cache.

    The CPU's are blazing fast as well, It compiled a kernel in under 2 minutes :D I'm also following this guide in order to boost the FPS for L4D2: http://wiki.fragaholics.de/index.php/EN:Linux_Kernel_Optimization
  13. Striker

    Striker MG Donor

    lol that is completely insane! Looks like the new server is up for the job;)

    Where are the EU servers located BTW?
  14. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Close to the current one, dronten NL.

    Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
  15. Sycorax

    Sycorax Member

    That's true. I've started using md raids for pretty much everything except really IO bound stuff like DB servers (or critical stuff where you need a BBU). Even low-end CPUs can handle big loads easily. Also, there is no controller that can fail (which happens quite often actually) and is sometimes hard to replace.

    Why not go with RAID 10 then? It will use less CPU time and IO is a bit faster. Also, rebuilding doesn't take days (well, with that CPU, even RAID 5 rebuilds pretty fast, but it can't beat RAID 10)
  16. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    OMG its located in dronten? dude thats 1 min from my home LOL
  17. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Well I considered using RAID 10 first, however L4D(2) servers hardly do any I/O on the disk, except when installing or updating servers, but when they run the disk load is almost zero. The problem with RAID 10 is that on a disk failure you have to reboot the system and boot from the other RAID0 set (correct me if I'm wrong here but I believe that's the case :))

    Now with RAID 5 one drive can fail and the server keeps running and I don't need to be in a hurry to get home and reboot the server, or replace the hard drive. The boot partition is RAID 1 though because Grub doesn't support RAID 5 but if that RAID 1 fails it doesn't really matter once the system is booted.

    So I don't need RAID 10 performance and RAID 5 buys me a lot more time in case of a drive failure, those were my motivations :)

    I bought a RAID controller for the DB server though, this one:


    That's gonna be a RAID5 as well :) I just can't take any system crashes due to a HDD failure, especially our MySQL database are very sensitive when the server suddenly shuts down while there is a lot of activity. Besides all gameservers would crashloop when that happens until it's fixed.

  18. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member


    You should have a pretty decent ping then ;)
  19. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    ya ping is between 6 and 8 LOL. i saw dronten in your putty window :). next time you get near let me know you can come grab a beer
  20. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Damn if I just knew that last saturday when I had to wait 2 hours in the burning sun for the guy to show up :)