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MOTD advertisements on USA servers

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Today we started a new experiment by adding advertisements to our four US Left 4 Dead (2) servers. These advertisements will be shown on the motd page, the page that usually shows the top 10 player stats (hotkey H in L4D2).

    You might ask why we did that. Well, running servers costs money. Running 11 servers on different locations worldwide costs a LOT of money. Since we do this for fun that's no big deal however, if advertisements and donors can cover some of the costs it means we can expand our operation even further, which in the end means we can provide our players with better connections worldwide and increase player slots which in the end means a better experience for us all.

    I hope you as a player respect our decision to do this. After all it's only on the motd screen which you usually have to click ok anyway when you join the server. There won't be any ads that will bother you during gameplay so don't worry about that :)

    The top 10 remains available by typing 'stats' in-game (no !) or by visiting http://mgftw.com.