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Mod voice

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HoTGuN, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. HoTGuN

    HoTGuN MG Donor

  2. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Slightly off-topic, but the mod you downloaded only you will hear. Other players do not have the sound files required or have the mod downloaded, so they'll just hear what was there before.

    Binding never was my specialty.
  3. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    A radial menu like the one above can be modified for other commands like !cp, !ammo ... etc, right?
  4. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    Yeah there was a modified radial menu created by Legend. Look for it, it was for PR system..
  5. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    I saw a post about it, but it says it's only for members :( I've spent money in the store, but I don't play enought to get value from a membership. Maybe if someone would like to send me the .vpk I would be very appreciative.

    Thanks in advance
  6. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    I think u mean being a donor
  7. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    Legend used the word members in the post but I assumed that meant donors.

    but if he meant simply members than I think I qualify :)
  8. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    Try downloading those files, if you can download them then *thumbs up*.
  9. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    The thread pretty much stops there. There is no link for a file. Is there a downloads section? Where would I find the file at?
  10. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

  11. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    Thanks again for that. I modified the radial menu for stuff that I use. Legends version had stuff that I would not normally need on the quick menu.