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mgftw website visitor statistics.

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Sep 20, 2012.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    These are the stats for 7500 unique visitors which is not a lot but we've only been using Google Analytics for a couple of weeks now not to mention how often the site was down due to malfunctions, ddosses, syn floods. You name it we've had it ;)

    Anyway I'm not that of a stats person and although they mostly don't say anything I still think it's fun read them and I know a lot of people do so as well :)

    For instance, if you look at the web browser people use:

    Chrome: 72.21%
    Firefox: 17.21%
    IE: 7.2% (ouch)
    Opera: 1.91%
    Safari: 0.61%

    Anything else is mostly mobile although 4 persons are using Rockmeit (Google'd for it, looks like fun but nothing for me :)) and 3 persons use IE with Google Chrome frame (lol?).

    OS Stats:

    Windows: 96.62% where 75.97% is using Windows 7, 11.08% is using Windows XP and 10.06% is still using Vista (!).

    Macintosh is second with 1.71% followed by Android (0.91%) and iOS (0.50%).

    Linux has a share of 0.08%, same as Windows Phone but we are proud to run the first one on almost all our servers with the exception of Day Z (shame) :)

    Mobile OS:

    Android 61.29% (Probably because of our great mgftw app :P)
    iOS 33.64%
    WP 5.07%

    Country stats:

    1. US 18.30%
    2. Singapore 6.87% (I guess our Singapore server is a success :))
    3. UK 6.14%
    4. Netherlands 5.34%
    5. Russia 5.11% (L4D is still huge in Russia)
    6. Germany 4.27%
    7. Japan 4.09%
    8. France 3.66%
    9. Sweden 2.95%
    10. Romania 2.87%

    We also seem to have 1 visitor from Greenland :?

    More later :)
  2. enjoie70

    enjoie70 Junior Member

    Interesting. I'm surprised chrome outnumbers FF by so much.
  3. avilroad

    avilroad MG Donor

    All visits from Russia were made by me:fameme::fameme:
  4. Cocaine

    Cocaine Head Administrator

    Shame on you germany...just >4 % .....:smiley-signs125:
  5. The Maniac

    The Maniac MG donor

    Never thought so many people use Chrome. I don't know a single one who use it. Also 8% are using IE. Why?

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Opera user reporting in!
  7. JorisK

    JorisK Day Z Admin

    Firefox ftw :p
  8. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Firefox 3.6.28... Stable as hell, even on frequent 4 GB load.. All other browsers would crash and therefore useless for me..
  9. avilroad

    avilroad MG Donor

    Opera ;3 Just too lazy for trying others
  10. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Statistics on known DDoS areas / account origins

    Marv, Have we seen any recent attempts to originate accounts (other than ones we blocked via VBulletin) or any activity in known DDoS areas (Romania?)