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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Join our IRC channel today :)

    Connect to: irc.mgftw.com port 6667

    Channel #mgftw
  2. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Sweet, I'm always on IRC !
    joining now
  3. MEV

    MEV Member

    what is irc ?:D
  4. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    lol, I guess you are too young :)
  5. MEV

    MEV Member

    20 years ^^ i hear bout irc before, voice chat maybe
  6. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    IRC huh?! Cool :) but Im a little confused! I thought we had a Vent Server.
    What happened with that?

    Is the Vent not working/an option any more or is this to be used instead?
    If so, Is it better, I have very little experience of both Vent's and IRC.

    I have to download a small piece of software for that right or does windows
    still have it installed as standard, If so what is it called so I can find it.
    If I have to download the software for it, do you know what is the best
    freeware/shareware to get?

    LEGEND Senior Member

    I use Trillian which syncs everything from Hotmail to Yahoo. You can use mIRC if ya want.

    IRC is basically a massive chat portal but cooler than the regular Steam chat.
  8. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    you can use mIRC or Xchat, they're the top 2 freewares.

    I believe an irc client will be added to the website too, an ajax based webchat that'll connect automatically to the server and chan to speak from this website.. so you wouldn't have to download anything
  9. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    Ok, Thanks for the Info Legend, Ill check that out now :)

    Found a download link for it from CNet and its totally FreeWare :)
  10. Wolf O'Donnell

    Wolf O'Donnell Senior Member

    I love the trivia bots you get in IRC :) I remember sitting there bored just answering hundreds of questions hahaha
  11. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member

  12. good old days of irc are back! :P
  13. Bonekeep

    Bonekeep Guest

    You can use Opera as your IRC client and not have to install something else

    Just type following in the address bar:

