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MGFTW became a pay to play sadly..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by szSteam_76561198001066890, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. here is my rant about mgftw now and not before :

    i dont know why you guys decided to change this amazing mode . now it became really shitty and unfair for lower levels. before with shaman tanks and high level tanks u got 31 and now 8? this literally became a pay top play. you have to pay 200$ to buy 100 enchantments stone when all the high levels that WANTS to share all those e stones freely earned cant? it doesint make anyone want to buy anything when the price is so damn high. 0.50$ for one gem when you practically need 100 on each special buffs. how cheap. x2 2:50 makes sense but for x10 30$? think about it. if x2 is 2.50$ x10 should be 12.50. you literally tripled the price of something that was suppose to be cheap. 3.50$ for one e stone when you need it on every skills at 150 and up. i am not gonna waste 200$ on a game i bought for 60$ it's ridiculous. come on guys! what the hell happened to the awesome server?! you dont need to have 6 servers when only 2-3 are full keep just 2-3 and lower te prices of the overly pricey stuff cause seriously, to gain 10 more levels you need to pay 15$.. it's just sad cause i firstly loved this server until i saw that id have to waste 200$ for a single server. make a trading system. everyone wants it. you will regret not listening to the community one day. i do not mean that your server sucks, its just that it became a pay to play which you guys are NOT zynga who sucks ass. please dont do that.

    that's about it.. haha i ranted allot didn't i xD anyway if you guys ever listen to us the community , i swear to god this community will grow allot faster.
  2. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    we have non pr server too.. you can play there if you find PR is too much for you to handle.

    PR is the same as any other RPG game you may have play like WOW (World of Warcraft). You want good items.. you have to pay for it. If you don't find it to your liking, there is nothing else we can offer you other than our l4d2 non-pr server.

    And the community has grown and you are part of the expansion list.
  3. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    How is it pay to play? Almost everything from the store can be obtained in game, the store just offers shortcuts....if we made it stupidly easy to level up everyone would be maxed out within a few weeks.
  4. JavCube

    JavCube MG Donor

    Don't know how many time you've been here.. but i can say that MG is better now than before...

    Like before... there were not much special tanks that give great amounts of EXP. We only relied only on the zombie killing, and the 2X booster...

    The 10x Booster appeared (if i'm wrong pls someone correct me) under the demand of guild leaders that wanted to lvl up their guild faster. So not all can afford those those booster, because they were not part of the original MG Store.

    Also the prices for gems and enhancement stones right now is really low, compared with the prices of 1 year+ ago. When enhancement stones cost like 5 and gems like 2.50.

    It took me ages to max up all thing i have, even with max lvl i have thing pending to max because i don't have enough cash (ingame cash).

    Don't rush on leveling up... When you max up, you will lose interest and walk away.

    A personal note... Who the hell would want to buy 100 enhancement stones? The 99% of stones i've used and have were won ingame. With tank killing, MG events and quests.
  5. Who's Ya Daddy

    Who's Ya Daddy New Member

    DJ Hellray I have seen you rushing all the way to the safe room instead of helping others. You just leave your team to die out there EVERYTIME. yesterday you explained your rush saying " I'm not lvl 210 like you guys". If you arent level 210 that gives you a right to rush?

    Im on MG servers almost past 4 years or so. They pay a huge amount for us to play. Like $ 200-300 per month so that we can play (in my case to interact with players around the world). The store is just another option to obtain everything faster. If you don't like to spend, don't buy anything.

    Start helping others in a Vs game its more fun to help & fight like a team than to just run away & wait in the safe room for others to die. There are players who won't let you die til they are alive (unless you get mutated, separated or bitch slapped to death).
  6. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    I wish we only payed $200 - $300 a month ;) Where can I sign? :P

    Anyway, I decreased the difficulty of coop yesterday. It should be way better already even for new players. It's still a challenge, but do-able and more easy to level up so you can prepare yourself for versus and you're right versus has a lot more high ranked players.

    As for the store, most things have been said already in the previous replies, everything that can be bought in the store can be played for as well. The store is just a shortcut to get there quicker and it helps us a lot to pay for the servers.

    I mean we invested hugely, we already bought 5 brand new servers with the latest hardware and we pay a lot to host these servers as well, so if you think we are making a profit then think again. I don't have the exact numbers but overall we probably break even or make a small loss.

    We already ditched advertising because it was too intrusive according to some players, which dropped our income by another 200 - 300$ a month.

    So right now this place runs entirely on donations. If people farm, trade etc. it means that nobody would need the store anymore. Without donations we will be offline sooner than later so I appreciate your concerns but things are not always as simple as they seem to be.

    But hey if you have any ideas how we can do a better job I'm open to it, ranting alone is just too easy.
  7. Left4Bed

    Left4Bed Guest

    The only thing I EVER bought in-game was an exp boost, and a donor status...ONCE....I've never purchased anything else, and managed to get to lvl 207 without making insane amounts of purchases. Completing one of the quests I think gets you an enhancement stone or two, and they are dropped while playing.

    I'm lucky I've been in some really great guilds, and have played with lots of people who have charity maxed, and have put in a LOT of time to get to level 207. I've also been lucky to be on when the fabulous admins make events for us, such as moving us off map for special tank events. There was also the event some weeks ago, when one of our guys bought boosters and hid them on the map as tvs for us to find, which was really really awesome!

    It never occurred to me to buy enhancement stones. Or anything else, except the para buff. (which someone gifted me, thank you again!) I don't really understand why you seem so bitter, lol. Keep playing like the rest of us, and you'll get there. Levelling up should be the result, not the REASON for playing. Play to PLAY, and have fun, not to grind out numbers. If you're not enjoying yourself, try a different mode like vicious infected.
  8. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    There are plenty of ways to level up very fast without spending a dollar to the store. :P

    - Play Coop and get known to the mod before trying versus
    - Join a guild
    - Complete Challenges
    - do Quests
    - Survive finales and help team mates
    - Kill a special tank (shaman, knight, Supreme ones). The harder the tank, the more rewards you get for slaying it.

    For enchantment stones, you get gems from tank kills in finals and from challenges you do in game or from quests. You can exchange the in-game gems to enchantment stones from the in-game menu.

    Everything that you find in store, are obtainable in game as well. I will randomly drop few different boosters every other month (or more rarely) myself, and you might be able to find one in game if you're lucky :P But let me warn you, they are hard to find and not many have succeeded ^^
  9. Captain Obviuos

    Captain Obviuos MG Donor

    As someone who did spend a lot of money on stones, premium accounts, donations, etc., I can honestly say it was all worth it, to me. I could have spent said money on other servers or games, but I like the people here; many of whom I believe I could call friends; but in the end, I chose to spend because I wanted to support this community and keep it running. :)
    Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, just as I have the right to disagree. Hellray, a word of advice: When in Rome, be Roman -- or in other words, try to blend in and learn as much as you can. I guarantee you, if you keep playing things will get better, people will treat you well... but you cannot come in and act like you have and then expect different results than what you already got. That applies to about ANYthing in life! Try being a teammate and see how far THAT gets you.
    I would also encourage you, and anyone who might feel the same as you, to play COOP to get your skills and levels if you cannot afford the store. COOP provides beginners/low-levels all the tools -- FOR FREE -- they need to play here, and also allows one to react with others and make friends, just like I have. I know VS is the bomb, but it is no fun when you cannot compete; so start off slowly, be a teammate... and keep playing.
    You do not have to listen to a word I or any others have said here, but just know this: We are all judged by our actions, ultimately. Where you choose to go from here is up to you.
  10. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    When did we ever give 31 tanks is what i wanna know because i wanna be there :D

    The tank limit has always been 8 Dj I know because I've been a admin and a player on this server for a looooong long time. Talk with Stefeman hes was here before I was and he could confirm about the tank limits always been 8. Except on super events.

    Speaking as someone that has spent money here i don't really care to disclose how much because its not important. Most of the vets bought items from the store back when everything was a helluva lot higher then it is now. I bought the paranoia buff for 9 bucks and now its a 1.50 but it helps support the servers. We do not make you purchase things from the store. Look at Stoned he made it to 210 without buying a single item. Hard work and determination gets you to where you wanna be. Or take a shortcut andbuy items from the store its your choice.

    Admins run events alot, there's no telling how much free xp points and gems have been earned from admins doing events but we do not shun our new players we help them and create a fun filled environment for all. Whenever Erik Puppet, and myself are in the server there is a moose on the loose or OH YEAHs flooding your brains. Everyone likes to have fun even admins. We do events not on demand but when we feel like having some extra fun. Alot of times there will be a boomer bomber and everyone including admins gets smacked all to hell and everyone's laughing their asses off.

    If your against the store then be like stoned and work hard for your stuff and earn it. We love our community and we reach out to make things better or more fun. Crazy rabbit is asking the community for ideas on a community map, the upcoming Christmas event is free for everyone to join and try. We listen to our players and enjoy insight on their ideas we may not do everything as everyone wants but hey who really wants to reach lvl 210 without some fun?

    This community has grown it became bigger and better and still improves each day. We went from 1000 members on steam to over 6000 from the hard work of Marvel, Honorcode, Stefeman, Davzee, Legend, Popz, ChooChoo, Erik, Luke, Bonekeep, Vulcan, Kitties and many many other admins and players alike.

    If your in a guild with crafting mastery then your crafting chance increases greatly. If you maxed out your crafting abbily then you can improve your chance to craft gems with the point you earn. Then when you get 75 you can trade those gems for Enhancement stones. If you want free chances at free xp or points play the lotto you can win points xp and bounty on pretty much all lotto. On the higher lottos you can get usefull items like buff slots.

    Keep playing Dj you'll get there and when you play with fun people you'll enjoy your time.
  11. Danica0516

    Danica0516 MG Donor

    Hey can a girl have a say in this testosterone dust off:) MG servers are the best!...where else can a girl get to join in, lvl up and beat up some guys and make them mad LOL. I love my MG store.
  12. cry

    cry MG Donor


    Hellray I was with you yesterday in the VS server like daddy mentioned. I know what u said and what u did and I agree with daddy. I have bought some things from the store which speeded up my progress, but most of the things like gems and enhancement stones are from the game by killing shaman tanks. You need to have fun playing in the servers. Since I reached over lvl 201 I join the vs server so I can play with my friends. You should think more about that instead of only getting the highest level and skills.

    The MG servers spend a lot of money to keep our servers up and running. Players that like MG also sometimes will need to donate to keep the fun. I spend a little money in the store, but I prefer to donate to MG by helping in developing the game and helping keep the fun and gameservers up and running by being admin. The point here is that if you don't want to spend money, you can think of something else useful in most cases.
  13. Who's Ya Daddy

    Who's Ya Daddy New Member

    He is talking about either the enhancement stones or the gems. I cant recall now but Previously some tanks used to give 28 - 30 stones/gems now that number has greatly reduced.
  14. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Play, pay if you want

    Play = can obtain items like Enhancement Stones, Liquid Enhancer, Gems, Cash, (max out your SI & Survivor.)

    Pay = Premium Items like Paranoia. Donate and get benefits.

    Paying is optional...
  15. e36

    e36 MG Donor

    You can earn it, and not buy anything.

    I been here for almost 2 year with up and down. But let me tell you, there are a lot of hard working admin that work for FREE to keep this game fun! So before you start bitching. think of what MG has given you.