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MG promo vid

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by davzee, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    Hey, I know L said he was going to do one but ive decided im going to give an MG promo vid a go anyway - a good excuse to finally learn how to use after effects properly, its been sitting there for ages and could never be bothered to learn how to use it its that complicated haha.

    I spent over 4 hours just making the intro yesterday trying to find my way around it lmao but i think im getting there - if its gunna be done may aswel do it right.

    Anyway im still tryna get the hang of it but i will eventually need some decent gameplay footage to go in there.....clips that either show some ownage or anything that displays how MG servers are unique and different from the rest.....so if anyone would be kind enough to throw anything like that my way, would be appreciated :) cheers.

    LEGEND Senior Member

    A good idea would be doing what I did, which was pester admins and some players endlessly for their demos. No but seriously, get a list of people who would be willing to submit their demos and list them here. Once a person has their demos ready, they put it up on MediaFire and a link in this forum so you can download it easy. Another idea would be to get used to L4D DEMO SMOOTHING - it would greatly improve any demo - but the amount of work required to manipulate demos takes around a hour for a 10 minute demo to be smoothed and tracked. It took me 2 weeks min. to complete my set of videos, so be ready for some quite exasperated nights.
    Also, if you will, invest in Garry's Mod, to add a little flavour or humour to your videos. Ask me for any help if you need it and I'll post my demos here.
  3. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    I'm willing to contribute, but what kind of screen recording programs do you guys use? CamStudio makes me lag.
  4. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    nice one legend - yea i looked into demo smoothing...looks kinda like a complicated and drawn out process but yea the results are a lot better, still not sure ill be using it though, we'll see. As for garrys mod i dont think i shall be using it...im not really going for a humerous vid more a actiony/dramatic one lol.

    I know this will take some time but im adopting it as more of a project, using this video as a stepping stone into learning after effects....it might not be "ground breaking" since this is literally the first video ive made with AE and ive only ever done a couple with Vegas but i shall do my best :)

    Try FRAPS litehawk...i was always able to record with that with little to no lag what so ever, havent tried it with l4d yet though....hope its ok.
  5. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Doesn't it cost money to remove the water mark?
  6. Jost

    Jost Game Server Moderator

    Yeah, FRAPS is very good! I use it, too. There is a free demo with water mark and 30 seconds video limit. But you (normally})) have to pay for full version.
  7. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Ah I see what you mean. But is there a good free one (besides CamStudio) that will do the job?
  8. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    You could always pirate it (as jost so subtly mentioned), or do you have morals lol.
  9. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    I understood what Jost mentioned. The thing is, I can't pirate it. It's not so much about morals but 'external forces' I don't want to mess with ;)
  10. {BA} L.

    {BA} L. Guest

    I actually had another idea; monthly commentary sessions. Just have a couple of admins go spectate on a busy match, FRAP the whole thing, with some interesting views. Then we just record a couple of people bitching about whoever's on screen, or applauding of course. Does two things:

    1: People might play in hope of being in the video, and hearing something nice being said about them. Man, some people are shallow.

    2: It would act as a kind of guide as to good ways to play (ie. the commentators probably won't have anything nice to say about a rusher, but applaud a helping hand who waits with the back-markers)

    It would obviously have to be humorous, so you could have funny ways of cutting it, and have a kind of good cop/bad cop thing going with the commentators. I volunteer bad cop.

    I'm tempted to try this on my own first, to see how it works, but if anyone fancies giving the good cop a go, that could work.
  11. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Love that idea!! Like a monthly show where we review the play of some regular players, that would be so cool!
  12. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    I'm in :) I'll help with the recording part.
  13. {BA} L.

    {BA} L. Guest

    Okay, I'm gonna make a new thread about this somewhere, sometime today. I have some pretty detailed plans which I can layout. I can technically do it on my own, but in order to make a "pilot" truly awesome, I'm probably going to need a few people.
  14. Solid.nl

    Solid.nl Junior Member

    You could ask players to just use the ingame demo record and send the demo files. Its a easy way to explain and in a game where good framerate is needed not everybody might have the machine capable of running the game and having fraps or some other form of fullscreen recording running in the background. However this does mean it would be more work on your end since you would need to convert the demo files to a format you can use in your video editing software.

    This is offcourse if your still planning on doing this with submitted player video's/files since in your last idea this would not be nessasary. But even if your not you might wanna take a look into it since it wil result in the smoothest video but it does require some more time.

    Anyway good luck with the project.

    Greetz Solid
  15. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    I really like this idea, I have seen quite a few vids, as we all have, of l4d game play and I
    dont think I have seen you with this format, would be so cool. :)