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MG Full throttle again

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, May 18, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    MG is fully back online:

    - Stats.
    - Sydney
    - Brazil.
    - EU.


    Now only hope it will be running for 2 weeks or so with no problems ;)
  2. Syd

    Syd Member

    Great :D
  3. well we got a little problem heheh... option 8 (settings) is not being shown at the cp :\

    heheh... sorry to break ur spectatives :p
  4. Syd

    Syd Member

    Actually only in Portuguese Language that isn't showing, but you can still access by pressing 8. Some line must be wrong in the translation, easy to fix.

    English and Spanish are fine.
  5. i'm aware of that, but people that don't know it's there won't know that they can press 8 :p
  6. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    i can confirm this. Some player had issue like that just recently.
  7. but still uneed to know that there is an 8 option...
  8. Ton

    Ton MG donor

    Thanks Marvel,

    Hopefully without problems for a longer time than 2 weeks...:s)