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Melee Weapons update

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Small update, credits go out to MasterMind420 for fixing this plugin which should bring back riot shield and knife to all servers and make all melee weapons available on all maps!
  2. Bonekeep

    Bonekeep Guest

    Yes! Love the knife. Could live without the riot shield, but love the knife. Thx marvel and plugin fixer guy :P
  3. kaos-

    kaos- MG Donor

    Nice, I love the knife! And it will be available on all maps! No more switching between katana and machete depending on what campaign. =)
  4. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Btw it will only be available after the next server crash / restart :P
  5. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    with the new/old melees the melee weapons are depicted wrongly at your character :)

  6. Dragon

    Dragon MG Donor

    Riot Shield

    I love knife too, thx marvel and MasterMind420 for fixed it :cool2:
  7. bloodhand

    bloodhand MG Donor

    yeah i had a katana look / sound like a machete, a machete look / sound like a tonfa, etc
    but that was on versus. on coop its fine. idk why^^
  8. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Yes I'm aware of that, the author says he's going to fix it when he gets back.
  9. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator

    Is the knife available as an option for donors to choose as their starting melee each round?
  10. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    It's already gone again, there was a terrible bug displaying the nightstick as a katana and so on, so removed for now :)
  11. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    How about the riot shield?