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maybe someone here can help me

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TaLi, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. TaLi

    TaLi Guest


    this is what happens to me almost every new round of a game, vs or coop, within 5-10 minutes into the round. i have to go afk or else i cant move and i hold back the team. it lasts for 2-3 minutes then goes back to normal as u will see at the end.

    if anyone knows what this is, how its caused or how to fix it, i will forever be greatful

    also my game crashes to desktop at the end of every succesful finale (meaning if survivors escape, vs or coop) and at end of carnival as soon as the event starts, (surv or inf my game crashes). if anyone knows how to fix that too... again, eternal gratitude.
  2. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member

    PC specs? :rolleyes:
  3. TaLi

    TaLi Guest

    i knew this question would be the first one.. can u tell me what to look for and where? thank you, this will be a tough one as i do not know much about these things

    :have mercy:

  4. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Start --> Run --> type dxdiag and hit enter. Click "no" when it asks to check whether your drivers are digitally signed. Click "Save all information."
  5. Angel

    Angel MG Donor

    Does it only happen in l4d? If it does that in other games too, it's probably due to faulty hardware. Have you installed any updates lately? Changed any settings?
  6. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Good questions to ask. Also 3rd party software that updates drivers or functions as "registry cleaners," etc., they can cause issues. Dxdiag, btw, is a safe way to save PC Specs. Many freeware programs (that produce simple .txt reports like dxdiag) publish personally exclusive information that you don't want on a public forum. Dxdiag is just basics, and is not 3rd party = safer. You can also just refer to Start Menu / Control Panel / System <- gather information off of that.
  7. TaLi

    TaLi Guest

    ok now my game crashes randomly even when not in finale and i got this too:
    source warning "only one instance of the game can be running at one time"

    gonna try to do what was suggested here though i didnt understand most of what u said but will do my best.
    did the run dxdiag thing and got a pretty huge list, dont know which part of it to put here

    and honestly i dont play other games so i dont know if this happens only on l4d
  8. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    In dxdiag, on the main page copy "system information"
    And try clicking Display, it might prompt you to install some newer drivers.

    Maybe disable multicore rendering?

    This is a very obvious one, yet it solves most problems.

    Steam > Right click l4d2 > Properties > Local Files > Verify integrity of game cache

    If that doesn't work, you could always try a fresh install.
  9. TaLi

    TaLi Guest

    my game just crashed as i JOINED a server, which is a brand new issue in the list of issues i have with this game.
    did the verify thing (which didnt work), now uninstalled the game and downloading again.
    this is frustrating.

    if re-installing doesnt help i will come back with the system information from the dxdiag list
  10. TaLi

    TaLi Guest

    re-installed steam on F drive cause C drive was running out of space
    re-installed l4d and verified integrity
    now my game crashes from game's main menu. pretty useless. cant even connect to a server

    here's the system information
    System Information
    Time of this report: 7/28/2013, 20:27:09
    Machine name: USER-PC
    Operating System: Windows 7 Enterprise 32-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130318-1533)
    Language: Hebrew (Regional Setting: Hebrew)
    System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
    System Model: H61M-S2-B3
    BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.3GHz
    Memory: 4096MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 3320MB RAM
    Page File: 2206MB used, 4430MB available
    Windows Dir: C:\Windows
    DirectX Version: DirectX 11
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
    User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
    System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
    DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
    DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode

    when it crashes it makes steam freeze too this is crap i cant even try to do anything in game menu to fix this.
    edit: crash from main menu was caused by addons (the US custom) i removed them and was able to play but still crashed at finale
  11. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    I had this exact problem. Look in http://mgftw.com/showthread.php/8468-I-wonder-if-anyone-could-help-me and see if you can find an answer.
  12. TaLi

    TaLi Guest

    i looked at it, its even worse than the confusion here. i mean, i really dont understand about these things.
    if theres anyone who can help me with a step-by-step instruction on how to do this or how to do anything basically please add me on steam.
    i can't play at all. and i'm losing my booster for nothing and losing cash and exp for not being able to fight tanks at finales or get rewards for surviving a finale and escaping with everyone.

    why does it say i am in game if it crashed and i closed steam -_- its not even in processes to be shut down.
  13. tank

    tank MG Donor

    You forget to write what video card you have ( GPU NAME?)
    Looking from the video you must have video card problems, you get lags, resolution maybe, change to lower, dont play in 1080p, in game go to option,video options and put all on low then try.
    Maybe card get overheated, do you have GPU fan on full when you play?
    Clean your c drive (free some place move to f) install steam and game on :c drive
  14. TaLi

    TaLi Guest

    video card is nvidia gforcegt 220
    i tried different resolutions but it doesnt help
    i cant install back on c drive cause steam weighs too much and it makes my c drive full, theres nothing i can move to f to free more space
  15. TaLi

    TaLi Guest

    not quite sure how he did it but |MG| Popshotz came to the rescue and helped me fix the problem with a few simple instructions
    wanted to say thank you once again for adding me and helping me fix this, i really appreciate it so much


    ;_; <-- tears of joy for finally seeing the campaigns' end credits after months of crashing and leaving games early and losing spots on servers

  16. Angel

    Angel MG Donor

    Wow, you should really get a new video card :P but glad to hear everything worked out for you in the end!
    I assume you had a problem with the nvidia panel or something? I'm glad I switched to AMD.
  17. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    bet she installed new drivers for the videocard and all was good :)
  18. TaLi

    TaLi Guest

    actually didnt install anything, just changed some settings as he instructed and since then everything works fine..
    and yes my pc upgrade is long overdue but i need to be able to afford it first :P