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Marvelous Gaming opens Wikileaks mirror

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    To sympathize with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange (who got arrested today for no good reason at all) I opened a new wikileaks mirror on one of the Marvelous Gaming Servers.

    I even registered a domainname that was still available, you can view the mirror at:

    http://wikileaks.uk.net/ (or http://www.wikileaks.uk.net)

    or use: http://wl.marvelous-gaming.com/

    This morning they took down the mirror 30 minutes after it was in the air, but I managed to get it back up again and hopefully it will be running for some time!

    So what does this have to do with L4D? Well nothing, just wanted to point out MG (or me at least) supports Wikileaks.

    Have fun killing zombies :) Oh and if the game starts to lag then Wikileaks is probably under attack again so sorry for that in advance! :)
  2. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Marvelous Gaming opens Wikileaks mirror

    Im not either againts Wiki Leaks or against the USA goberment so it doesnt really matter for me. Anyway, the content that wikileaks posted is 100% valuable and deserves to be shared. You cannot expect to keep a secret that contains so much information and abuses, and i think it was just epic that somebody or one organization posted all of them on a public website. I personally was really really surprised about all the abuses that they made. I mean, my friends and mostly my family ate all they said without even thinking it very well (Since we are far we dont consider ourselves able to argue about foreign situations), and now that that site revealed the information, and also they got the owner arrested for absolutelly no valid noticeable reason. Unfortunately, as everything o nany country, the laws can be changed for the "country"'s favor, and they can really get him at a federal prison for (Im not sure the name in english) showing private and illegal content, or for creating illegal organizations. They can catch you for anything these days.

    Glad to see we support the truth, just afraid that our users or even Valve dont agree.
  3. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    Re: Marvelous Gaming opens Wikileaks mirror

    I agree with you Marvel, this information should be out in the public.
  4. NoZero

    NoZero Junior Member

    Re: Marvelous Gaming opens Wikileaks mirror

    Julian Assange (who got arrested today for no good reason at all)

    Ahahahahaha, he got arrested on rape charges... which in my honest opinion i do not believe for one second, This man in they eyes of the public is a hero but in the eyes of the gov'et he is a terrorist,and he must be stopped, Why the fuck else would amazon drop them.
    Whats worse.. he is getting a rushed extradition to america. WTF happened to a due process and fair jury,
    The american gov, Is fucking stupid, hey lets catch this guy who is telling everyone the stupid shit we did, By doing more stupid shit.... And the nobel proze goes to.... AMERICAAA.

    I for one am extremely grateful for your hosting dawg.. Keep up the good work, And fight the right fight
  5. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Re: Marvelous Gaming opens Wikileaks mirror

    If you look into the rapecharges its really ridicilous. Some woman sewed him for having sex without a condom loooooooool and more ridicilous charges.

    Its just so obvious its a setup. Of course hes charged with rape because anyone can sue anyone for rape without evidence and give the person a lot of problems.

    And, an international arrestwarrant for rape is just too idiotic.

    Besides, hes giving the information to well established papers like the new york times who can filter information so that peoples lives aren't in danger, so that argument is bullshit too.
  6. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Marvelous Gaming opens Wikileaks mirror

    Like the government always says to us, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. Now it's the other way around and we can say the same to them but they don't seem to like it that much :)

    And yes, crazy indeed to have him on the interpol most wanted list for having sex without a condom lol. But as I heard on several places, it would be really hard to get him convicted in the US and it wouldn't be very useful since the information will come out anyway.

    But you know the US they always want to set an example. They should give him the nobel prize instead.
  7. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Marvelous Gaming opens Wikileaks mirror

    You stole that from the news't harry potter movie :D

    (or they stole it from you xD)
  8. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Marvelous Gaming opens Wikileaks mirror

    Do you think I watch harry potter lol. I just translated it from dutch ;)
  9. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Marvelous Gaming opens Wikileaks mirror

    You just pwned me :p

    And nice move! Let's hope that, the domain wont get sued :D
  10. SuperBunny

    SuperBunny Guest

    Re: Marvelous Gaming opens Wikileaks mirror

    this means nothing to me
  11. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    Re: Marvelous Gaming opens Wikileaks mirror

    I've downloaded the archives, just in case the site gets taken down.
    If you need it for any reason, just ask.