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Marvelous Gaming Live on Saturday Night

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by {BA} L., Apr 4, 2011.

  1. {BA} L.

    {BA} L. Guest

    The topic title is the working name for the video series I had an idea for a few weeks ago. Now I think I know exactly how I want to go about it.

    Each episode will be one campaign fully video captured and with two commentators commentating on the action. The idea is to be humorous, and perhaps to arouse interest in the servers if they are successful.

    However, the more I plan this, the more I realise I simply can't do this alone, so I'll need at least two volunteers. Here is what will be involved:

    - Two (preferably three) people will FRAP the entire campaign in spectator mode, each with perhaps a different job (one follows survivors, one infected, and one gets wide angled shots). The server doesn't matter, we can do all of them.

    - One person (likely to be me to start with) will cut the videos up and edit them into a sportesque highlights show, complete with graphics, screen wipes and (I really like this idea) graphics of a player's stats, which will fill the screen when that person does something of note, and the commentators can comment on the player in question. A personal focus on players is key to this series in my opinion.

    - Then, two commentators (possibly three) will simultaneously watch the video and commentate, most likely in a Skype recorded conversation. I would obviously want to be one commentator, and we would need another person (English as first language?). The two could play off each other, one taking the role of the over critical bastard (me I think) and one being reasonable and applauding, although also critical of real mistakes in game. Think Alan Partridge and some nice-but-dim Northern guy commentating on the football, and that's the kind of vibe we're going for.
    What would be fantastic is if Marvel or Honorcode could also guest on the show as a third occassionally, helping people see how the guys who started it all view what's happening. Something to think about?

    - The video's will then be edited all up, and posted...somewhere.

    Okay, so what I need is two volunteers to FRAP record the campaign with me, one to commentate with me, and another to perhaps do some graphics. I'm treating this first video as a pilot, so graphics might be a bit basic, but if it works and anyone wants to get involved, I'd love some help with that aspect.

    Anyone have any thoughts, queries, suggestions, or would like to volunteer their services, message below.

    PS- At first, I think it might be good to have admins working on it. Maybe down the line, others could be included.
  2. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    i got full version of fraps :P

    also, you need like 3-4 recorders for some good material.. and if you really are on this, then 3 volunteers is a must..
  3. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    Love the general concept L, if done right this could be awesome. Id say id chip in n help, i want to but im still in the process of making the promo vid and all the other photoshop shiz so i dont really have time at the mo....when you planning on doing this anyway? This saturday coming?

    Ohh and btw...a nice-but-dim northern guy commentating? ...........we dont want people thinking MG's run by inbred farmer joe's now do we! OYYY GET OOF MOYYY LAAAARND :P
  4. {BA} L.

    {BA} L. Guest

    Lol, no, not like a cornish farmer. More like the battered ex-boxer who says non-sensical but positive things about two fighters he's observing.
  5. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    or then we have to hire professionals xD http://uk.ign.com/

    And dont make fun of Finns :o were all farmers here!!!
  6. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    Two massive stereotypes - dont they both go hand in hand?...haha :P ;)

    Edit: cornwalls south though....me thinks i got my accents mixed up lol ahhh yea northens more of the old "AWWW AM FRUM YAAAWKSHA N AM FU'IN RIGHT UNGREH YA FU'IN SILLEH MUNKEH, AWWW AAL FU'IN AV YA, YA basTAD AAL FOO'IN AV YA"

    both sound equally retarded....no offence lol

    LEGEND Senior Member

    I'm Northern and I can speak slightly corny lol. But I don't like L4D2 so count me out.

    But anyway, regarding the FRAPS recording: it really is not going to work. I mean when I was using FRAPS a three minute recording was like 3.6 GB. Now this is the part where I want you to tell me how are we going to transfer those kinds of big files across global locations?

    And this is the part where I tell you that you can just record demo files which are 3 MB each...
  8. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    fraps records everything as uncomprossed.. it's obvious that you need to compile and compress the raw file with decent video converter, such as AVS video converter.. you can turn 30 minutes HD video from 6 GB down to 200 MB without losing quality if you use right codec.. for example, .avi and h264 instead of xvid or divix. :P and when you upload the converted files to youtube, it will rape the files to even more compressed mode..

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Haha! Made me lol. This is good; learn something new everyday.
  10. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Saturday night is getting-horribly-drunk night!
  11. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Joerve, you drink too much :toung:
  12. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    haha +1, nothing beats a bit of saturday night binge drinking followed by a morning of waking up not knowing where the fk you've been or what you've done.......then having to hear it all from your mates.....ive got some stories lol.
  13. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Well, hearing it from my mates ain't gonna work because they're usually just as or even more drunk as me :p