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Maintenance: Expect downtime between now and the next two weeks.

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Aug 1, 2012.

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  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    There will be some changes within our infrastructure within now and the next two weeks. To quickly sum it up and make a long story as short as possible:

    • Chicago L4D2 expires 8/2 and will not be extended (don't worry read on).
    • Our Day Z dedicated server expires 8/7 and will not be extended. (Again, don't worry read on).
    • Two new, physical servers have been bought and will be placed in a new Chicago datacenter at Sharktech (http://www.sharktech.net/). These servers feature the latest hardware (E3-1270v2, SSD disks etc.) and will both run on a 1 gbps unmetered internet connection.
    • Once these servers are online (ETA 8/10), the website and central database will be moved from Amsterdam to Chicago.
    • The server that hosts the website right now, in Amsterdam, will become the new Day Z server (much faster hardware and better connection than the current one).
    • No changes to our Singapore server, that one has just been extended.
    • No changes to our EU L4D(2) server.


    • 8 - 10 days of downtime for our US based games, starting 8/2.
    • 2 - 4 days of downtime for Day Z, starting 8/7.
    • 6 - 12 hours of downtime for our website and with that, our Singapore and EU game server. This will be during off-peak hours.

    (I know that sounds like a lot of downtime but a temporary solution would involve a lot of work for such a short period + about $500 of extra expenses).

    Future plans:

    • PR 1.3 is worked on really hard right now, I know it takes time but it has to be good and it will be good once it gets released! (more info soon).

    • The future of our Day Z server is a little bit uncertain, the game has a lot of hackers and even more bugs and there doesn't seem to be any progress made by the developer(s?).

      However, if we don't need this server for something else (e.g. let's say that L4D3 suddenly sees the light and demand for servers is high) we will keep it running for now.

    That's about it :)
  2. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Let's keep the dayZ servers for now.. :P

    I dont mind if there are few hackers lurking around, as they will get caught in the long run.. we still got way less of them than other servers have..
  3. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Good news, the new servers have been built and have been shipped out last night, so 4 days earlier then planned :)
  4. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    So no (days of) downtime for dayZ? :P
  5. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Probably not ;)
  6. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Good news! servers are being installed as we speak :)
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