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L4D3 Predictions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vulcan, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    I predict, and mark my words that when L4D3 comes out it will have elements of MG and especially PR. It will have a tad of RPG incorporated and leveling up. Perhaps even more players. MG had dominated the modded servers and I don't think Steam likes us very much but they don't hate us enough to not steal MG ideas. Lets just wait and see but I can taste it.
  2. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Last I checked, DESPITE any YouTube.com (fan-created) or fake spoiler videos, Valve has made mention they have no intent to create L4D3.

    I could be wrong or this could be different... but zomg that would be AWESOME. L4D3.
  3. Cunner

    Cunner MG Donor

    I would love to see L4d3 but can't find much on it. i have a few freinds that refuse 2 play L4d until it comes out, i brought them to try MG servers but they were WEAK and could not handle it! L4d2 and MG are doing great right now, alot of hard work being done and it gets better all the time! i would just like new infected/survivors, if MG could do that, we would be set! i'd consider that L4d3 till i see sumthin from valve! i know u guys can't but it would be wicked!
    i was wondering an ETA of PR 1.3, gonna be great!

  4. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Cunner, I'm hard-pressed to find it atm... but there's a fan-made YouTube.com video about his ideas for new SI.

    Since they were so unusual / unique, I thought I'd post some of what I remember:

    1.) The Limb Zombie... it's like a crawling zombie but just the torso-up... and you literally have to shoot (or chop) it down to bits.

    2.) Acid Bomb... it's a large creature, like a tank, but easy to kill. At a distance. Get too close and you're literally boiled inacid.

    3.) Dogs... something the guy came up w/ that was reminiscent of, I think, RE2.

    4.) Smaller zombies / kid zombies... creepy.

    I've seen a lot of consumer dedication and customer dedication alike make things happen... but not in the world of video games. Let's hope they run w/ this. Zombies are "in" and will be for a while.
  5. tank

    tank MG Donor

    You don't find to much about l4d3 true, i think 'cose when they released l4d1 it was not take a long time and was came l4d2 ,and then many people was very angry at that time for they making second release in so short time. So probably get some problem in company.But even if they work on third, and i know they will make one day third to 'cos both game was selling god, and they love money, so if they making we will know on last second, it would be like surprise ,like in previous releases :D .
  6. jtork

    jtork Senior Member

    it would be stupid of steam not to take advantage of the growing zombie fan base right now ...