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L4D2 update 12/17/2011

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Hi all,

    As you might have noticed, there was an update released for L4D2 tonight. All servers have been updated, however the steam client has been replaced which means we are now steam only since there is no patch out yet for the new client.
  2. Thank god i bought the game :P.
  3. -GothaX-

    -GothaX- Member

    So... can non-steam players play the game if the patch comes out? (The one for non-steam players)
  4. The Maniac

    The Maniac MG donor

    For gods sake buy the freakin game!!! You non-steam-players are so greedy that you didn't even bought the game on steam sale for fucking 2,50
  5. omeeomai

    omeeomai Junior Member


    lol i was planning to buy anyway. steam holiday sale, get on it people!