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Kids and M Rated Games!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Anonymous, May 10, 2012.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Senior Member

    Todays generation has a lot of squeaky voiced kids playing M rated games that are obviously meant for 18+. So when another call of duty comes out (Black Ops 2) be sure to be the first one on and ruin it for little kids that may be on so they can stay away from a game that's is meant for 18+ not 13 or younger. I'm doing this so that we don't get another great game ruined by kids and their annoying voices. I'm not trying to say that the kids should stay off M rated games, i'm just saying that the kids are the ones that take away the fun from the games that involve shooting.
  2. TJ

    TJ MG Donor


    On another note.. stoned isnt even 13 and he's more mature on the servers than some of the 18+ players. I dont think all the kid players are bad. Just the ones like the kid in the video ^^.
  3. Don Juliano

    Don Juliano Banned

  4. WeeJocky

    WeeJocky Game Server Moderator

    Personally, I LOVE having kids on games like that; seeing how much you can make them rage with nothing more than an infuriatingly calm voice and reasoned, witty retorts, or well timed sound bites :P
  5. Don Juliano

    Don Juliano Banned

  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Senior Member

    I understand your view on kids and how their age doesn't always lower their maturity in video games.:)
  7. WeeJocky

    WeeJocky Game Server Moderator


    Love this kid. The vids a little slow in places.
    Although it might be fodder for video games make murderers nutjobs:

    "What do you like to do with your girlfriend? Play Monopoly or...?"
    "No, I just like to crack her. Yep, I like to crack her head"
    "With What?"
    "With a hammer"

    Although to be fair she did try to hit him "with some sorta knife" XD
  8. Sheila

    Sheila MG Donor

    Hmmm. :p
  9. Sheila

    Sheila MG Donor

    Your 14 months older than me, shut up.
  10. WeeJocky

    WeeJocky Game Server Moderator

    NO! It's rated 18 by the BBFC! Cease playing at once! Now! Immediately I say! Oh I give up
  11. Stoned

    Stoned Senior Member

    :whymeme:ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME? BECAUSE I'M 12.....:whymeme:
  12. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    I wish i could of been in that server with that kid, the urge troll him is almost unbearable, poor raging fellow
  13. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    My blood pressure skyrocketed listening to this little punk. If I could I would make sure that both his parents and Child Protective Services got a copy of this. Dammit I'm steaming.

  14. Traxx

    Traxx MG Donor

    Hope ur not a pedo wee
  15. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    I stopped playing black opps and tf2 because of these kids. Some I can stand byt the ones just trying to piss you off deserve to be repirted to their parents lol. Having a 12 year old cuss and crap really shows how much the parents care about their kids.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Senior Member

    It's just hilarious how they say "my dad's a lawyer" or "I know karate" or "I'm gonna hack your account (insert useless curse words here)".
  17. Angel

    Angel MG Donor

    You know what I hate? When people think you're a 10 year old boy by hearing your voice, when you actually are a girl. It happened to me once a few years ago.
  18. avilroad

    avilroad MG Donor

    Your voice doesn't sound like that lol
  19. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    IDK i kinda like** these 'I cant play so im going to troll ya game and fail at that too by raging!' troll
    they just make me lol, even more so when they start off by using some thing most of use had seen
    on youtube 3-4 years ago (the 'can you hear me?!). Talk about failing 3 times lol. I know it a bit sad
    but trolling trollers used to be so much fun, much better than playing some of the games after a while.

    ** like for about 5 mins and untill the game starts that is! :)