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Iron Man 3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jack, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Jack

    Jack MG Donor

    Heading to the cinema tomorrow to watch Iron Man 3, ill write a brief review tomorrow about it. and ofc its probably going to be epic since all of them have been epic ;)



    Edit: so im back, and OH MY GOD IT WAS EPIC!


    At first i didn't understand the movie at the beginning, that and the 3D glasses killed my eyes and i went completely blind when i got out the cinema...

    It starts as Tony not being able to sleep and having "panic attacks" when someone mentions specific things that hes seen in his dreams, yadah yadah yadah...

    later on, the Commander (i forgot his name)'s suit (as you saw in Iron Man 2) gets hijacked by some mutation humans that have taken an experimental thingy and now they are pretty much invincible. the Mutation human starts melting through his armor trying to get him out and eventually the suit just releases the commander from the suit...

    more yadah yadah..

    Tony's gf (or wife, im still confused about that) was kidnapped earlier and is injected with this experimental chemical and she turns into a mutation, later on, she kills the main bad guy, everyone cheers and so on.

    The ending: go watch the movie, im not a major spoiler :P

    Enjoy :)
  2. Penguin

    Penguin Guest

    For those of you that have not seen the trailers...

    TRAILER #1

    TRAILER #2