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info or help on virus

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cunner, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. Cunner

    Cunner MG Donor

    my laptop got locked, it is a "Cybercrime Investigation Department Virus" scam, i googled it. my regular mode is locked with my f*cking webcam video on me!! i'm in safe mode on my laptop, does anyone know anything about this or how screwed up my laptop is? i have someone looking at it this weekend, hopefully it can be fixed, i can't follow the computer lingo/skills to remove it and i heard the internet hired help is not reliable.

    seems like people know alot about computer's and stuff around this community.
    any info would be great thanks, :)
  2. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    You most likely got ratted (Remote Admin Tool).

    Take the internet off (As he can see your face via webcam and lock you out), and once it's off this guy won't be able to do anything.

    Now as your internet is off, use another clean computer to transfer Spybot S&D and Malwarebytes & SuperAntiSpyware to infected computer and install all of them and scan the computer with all of them..

    This should get rid of most basic RAT tooles (unless it's crypted, therefore undetected). If u cant remove it, only option left is to wipe everything clean (re-install windows after formating).
  3. Cunner

    Cunner MG Donor

    i will try when i get home this weekend, with my pc, thank you for the info.

  4. erik

    erik MG Donor

    For Spybot Search & Destroy; you may like the 1.62 interface... it still gets the same defininitions as the new interface. This is a program that you will want to right-click on and "Run As... Administrator" because of the "IMMUNIZATION" feature.

    With SUPERAntiSpyware Pro (Trial or whatever,) in Preferences; make sure the right scan options are checked for a deep scan like "Alternate Data Streams," etc.

    When you get to using MBAM (Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware Pro,) feel comfy activating the Trial. You can then enable a protection module, make sure it stats with Windows (good for "pending restarts,") and also check-off "enable website blocking" from the tray icon.

    Activating a Trial will also let you use "flash scan," which is particularly fast and effective.

    If you want help w/ any of these programs, let me know, I know how to use them.

    If and when done with SAS Pro; you'll want to use their specific uninstaller utility (if you don't keep software.) You'd still remove SUPERAntiSpyware Pro from add/remove programs, or simply appwiz.cpl, then run SASUNINST (some file name ilik ethat.) It will make you reboot obviously but will remove the "SAS Core Service" which isn't always removed via conventional uninstallation.

    Just some extra info...
  5. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    It sounds like the FBI one that taps into your webcam?

    Just fixed this on a client's PC. Real easy.
    Install or update MALWAREBYTES and run it.

    It caught 3 viruses on a quick scan. worked like a charm.
  6. erik

    erik MG Donor

    If you download the SUPERAntiSpyware Portable version (red link on main page) to a flash drive; it'll save it with a random filename. Some advanced malware or spyware/virii can be trained to reject valid software as-if it's malicious itsself!

    So, download the portable version of SAS to a USB flash. (As adjunct / secondary scanning precaution.)

    It will automatically be updated w/ current definitions/revisions. When rebooting in Safe Mode, by all means; work it with the Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware. It's the best out there.

    Using SAS Portable from yoru flash drive could pickup anything else.

    Crimeware, which is malicious software/files undetectable by standard antivirus/antispyware methods, is also possible.

    If things get worse and you can NOT safely reformat (or whatever you wanna do,) there are utilities for that.

    Keep us posted.
  7. Cunner

    Cunner MG Donor

    thank you for all the support and help, i'm givin' my laptop to sumbody tomorrow who knows what there doing and i have them look at it, with the info y'all gave me, they should be able to follow it.
    i'll let you know the outcome!
    thanks again!

  8. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Let it be a friend "who is an expert with computers" if ur taking it to a shop; hang on and let us help step by step. T oo expensive for retail repair.
  9. Cunner

    Cunner MG Donor

    it is a friend, case of beer will be the payment, lol, if he can't fix it, i'll try it with your steps/info and see how we do, it said it was tricky and should be done by someone who knows what there doing.
    thanks, i'll keep you guys updated on the status!
    thanks again,
  10. Cunner

    Cunner MG Donor

    hello, my laptop is fixed and working well, i opened this page and my buddy looked at it, and he had it fixed pretty fast. I learned how to fix stuff and general pc stuff, that is good to learn from these types of problems. i have good anti-virus and other stuff, to help prevent lazy retarded hackers from doin this again.

    thank you all, for your help and support, i really appreciate my friends and the MG community for helping me out!!!
