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Discussion in 'Introductions & Member Gallery' started by Hey Koolaid, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    Well after being without my computer for over a month I am happily and luckily finishing up a install of windows 7. I am putting a timestamp of my arrival back on the Mg servers at Today.

    I appreciate everyone thats helped me out and listened to me rammble on about my computer and how much I wanna game. Your patience is much of a blessing. I have missed playing games with you guys more then you even know lol.

    Along with the obvious (L4d2) I'm gonna being raising hell in * No more room in hell*, * Borderlands 2*, and whatever else comes out soon probably lol. I spent all my cash on gas and comuter parts and I am ready to get back in the game my friends.

    I'm glad I get to return sooner then i had first expected (*3 months*) it was a shorter wait but damn did it feel like a lifetime. I have asked around and I asked the computer tech that looked at my computer and he confirmed what I had hoped i was able to do. I will be able to transfer all my previous files from my old main drive onto my clean drive and there won't be any complications. This will save me 60 Hours of updating my pc to get me back to where i was befor i died.

    Inclosing I want to thank everyone thats delt with my rambling and my raging. I'm back and more powerfull then I was befre and I'm so glad that everythings going so smoothly.

    Thanks everyone! Koolaid.
  2. avilroad

    avilroad MG Donor

    Welcome back bud *O*
  3. Don Juliano

    Don Juliano Banned

    Nice to have u back dude !
  4. Psychokitty

    Psychokitty Guest

    Good to have you back.hope to see you in game :cheer2:
  5. Hitsu

    Hitsu Banned

    welcome back dude :D

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Hey welcome back! :D
  7. PurplePuppet

    PurplePuppet Guest

    Welcome back man...OH YEEEEEAAAH;)
  8. lukemurawski

    lukemurawski Senior Member

    Welcome back :)
  9. Cocaine

    Cocaine Head Administrator

    Hey Koolaid ! :P

  10. MetallicA

    MetallicA <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Welcome back bro :) :rockon:
  11. erik

    erik MG Donor


    Christopher can read here too, so he can see our chatbox dialogue from earlier.

    We gotta go COOP or PR-VS together, the 3 of us.... own some maps....

  12. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    welcome back mate :)
  13. JavCube

    JavCube MG Donor

    Welcome :D
    Glad you came back

    Here, a dancing pony for you
  14. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    I only jave one more thing to fix. I currently have pink video idk whats up but I think its probably a cable loose. Anyway I should be running tonight and ill seeya guys soon. :D
  15. JavCube

    JavCube MG Donor

    Yeah check the cable that goes to the monitor...
  16. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    Well I fixed the video with a diff cable. Now my last problem is I have audio going through one ear why do I have problems lolz
  17. evilpaul

    evilpaul <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Welcome back! And, um, try jiggling the cable?
  18. Sheila

    Sheila MG Donor

    Welcome back c;
  19. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    Everythings fixxrd and reinstalled as far as l4d2 is concernd. Seeya soon