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If you use Chrome browser, you may want to read this

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by e36, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. e36

    e36 MG Donor

    If you use Chrome browser you may want may want to switch to Iron browser, which don't have a personal ID tag. Ever better, move to Firefox! But if you have to, you may want to use the software below to remover the tag.

    Chrome Privacy Guard is a small tool that automatically deletes the unique Client ID before each run of Google Chrome. This tool scans the "Local State" file inside the Chrome directory, removes all Client ID related info and automatically starts Chrome.

  2. Sycorax

    Sycorax Member

    Client ID is an opt-in feature - it's only active if you choose to send usage data to Google, you'll get asked at the first browser start.

    Also, in regards to Iron, you might wanna read this: http://neugierig.org/software/chromium/notes/2009/12/iron.html

    Don't get me wrong: I think people should be way more careful when it comes to privacy and think about what data they allow others to collect. Just wanted to get the facts straight. =)
  3. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    The old saying goes..

    "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear"..

    People who are paranoid enough to believe that their usage data is being collected in a way that could harm the user somewhere near future, are already VPN users..

    Switching to firefox is not going to help as you will still be tracked when/if you use google search.. There are also Zombie cookies, super cookies and most horrible ones: LSO's that are nearly impossible to remove with normal methods..
  4. e36

    e36 MG Donor

    The zombie cookies are a real problem.

    I use firefox because it had a lot of good plug-ins for security, Like NO script, request policy, ADP, Bee Free, Tor and better privacy.

    I don't use Google search, just turn it off in the about:config command. I also block site with my firewall and host file. So, what I'm saying is not a total solution, buy a start of one.
  5. e36

    e36 MG Donor

    Here a link on the Iron Browser VS Chrome
