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I need to vent!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Vitafit, Aug 24, 2012.

  1. Vitafit

    Vitafit MG Donor

    :D Now I'm happy, that's all that matters.
  2. Pessego

    Pessego Guest

    F*ck them, quit, start smoking cheap ass weed and then stick it to the man!
    You'll probably be much happier.
  3. avilroad

    avilroad MG Donor

    Ye fuck them Im too drunk though to read whole post now,but fuck them :smiley-sex020:
  4. Vitafit

    Vitafit MG Donor

    I've done something that way before and it didn't turn out great.. I ended up staying months in China to try live another life.
  5. Pessego

    Pessego Guest

    There was a sublinear message; there's more to life than work, you just have to cope with it, like everyone else, I for one hate medical school, professors make your life a living hell, "exams" every friggin' week (Props to Biochemestry), not to mention your so called "friends" who f*ck you over every chance they get, but hey, it's the world these days, like I've said countless times before, you just gotta make the most of it, smoke a dutchie and be platonically happy. :P
  6. WeeJocky

    WeeJocky Game Server Moderator

    When I used to work weekends I had two different bosses. My Saturday boss was frankly awesome; he was basically a mate of mine, we used to just spend half the time chatting with the other lifeguards, quite often one of us would go and get takeout for everyone. We did enough work to keep the place looking good and whenever we did do extra work he would help as much as the rest of us.

    The Sunday boss was much more like yours; he used to get us to do anything he could think of, clean every little thing no matter how clean it was already, anything to stop us from having a break (and bear in mind company regulations meant that lifeguards have to take a break of 20 minutes after an hour on or 30 minutes after an hour and half on watch; a break, not a time to clean)

    Needless to say I dropped my Sunday shifts after a few weeks :P Guess I was fairly lucky to have at least one good boss.
  7. Left4Bed

    Left4Bed Guest

    if it's the owners doing it to you, you're just screwed. if you were friends with the people that quit, go track 'em down and ask them to hook you up with a job where THEY are.
  8. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    Its only complicated if you want to think it is...!

    In this order, do

    a - find new job
    b - quit
    c - be happy!

    good luck with that :)
  9. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Ignore everyone else. DON'T find a new job. DO start your own business. I think you would like it a lot better (I know from personal experience).
  10. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah don't throw away your old shoes before you have new ones :)
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Senior Member

    Could be something that involves a hobby you like
    and Pessego we have to help her not ruin her by letting/encouraging her to smoke weed and do stupid shit like that.
  12. atreyucore

    atreyucore Senior Member

    well that was some story vita, the only advice i have for u if its really that bad and u hate it. Stand up and make a change. Yeah you been working there forever and probaly dont want to be experience but ask yourself what do you want in life, whats your passion/goals? I know for a fact its not that job so why bother working there. Its up to you but your the only person who can make your life better so you eaither get up and do something different to where you can be happier or stay stressed out at a job you dont like
  13. Vitafit

    Vitafit MG Donor

    I appreciate you all for the advice and support.

    You're right. But I have coped with it for too long. To a point it's been affecting my private life. I used to be able to tell myself "it's only work, not your life", but enough is enough. I've tried thinking about all the positive things about my job, but at the end it only makes my choice harder.

    I could do that. But only I would have to quit entirely and find something to replace it. But that's also the thing about my bosses, only it's not Boss A is a bitch and Boss B is a great boss. Both my bosses can be bitches at one time and be very cool another day.

    One of the co-workers that had the same position as I have, was fired because my bosses chose me. Business was already going down. We used to work full-time 6 days a week. But I was always a little bit favored over her in those times. We did go along with each other pretty well but not to an extend we would be friends after work. Haven't talked to her in more than a year.
    Another co-worker which also had the same position started working after the previous one was fired. She was hired for only the weekends. She's a middle-aged woman. She was slower than me so she got a hard time when the place was packed and busy. She quit when she divorced her husband. By that time business was even worse. So my boss didn't mind her leaving. I could do the job myself and her daughter helped out too. We don't really talk.
    Then there's the bar girl. She was their niece. Sometimes we could get along, sometimes we argued. Sometimes she chased me cuz I pissed her off. We're friends though. But she left to a big city to work close with her new boyfriend.
    Then there are some other random people who were employed that I only worked with shortly.
    I don't think I'll be asking them to be co-workers again.

    Mr. Zombie, Marvel, Anonymous, you couldn't be any more RIGHT! I'm planning on doing that.

    Chocobo, I'm not in a good position to do that, neither is the economy.

    What I REALLY want to do is unreachable still. I don't really even know what it is yet. But what I would be okay with, is another job. Just something with regular hours if it was possible. Something that is payed per hour and not per shift. Somewhere my boss isn't constantly looking over me like every minute. That's not too much to ask for? But you're right. I am going to quit.

    In fact I already told my bosses that I am going to quit soon. I'm just giving them a heads up so it won't hit them by surprise. They still have to have a little bit of time to find a replacement if they are going to do that.
    I still find it a hard choice. Because aside from being horrible bosses at times and my hours are crap and my paycheck is minimal, they are pretty nice people besides work. Even though their kids sometimes annoy the crap out of me, they're still cute and innocent. It's like a love/hate relationship I've got with my current job.
    But still... I don't want to be their sand bag they can punch whenever they're frustrated.
    Anyway, after I told them I'd be looking for a new job, they told me I could keep my job until the day I can start at my other job. That's what makes them good people, they know I need the money to pay bills and shiz. But I'm still skeptical about it. I sometimes think they're only so nice to me because they think I don't know they have their hidden motives for keeping me here. Am I cheap labor to them? Or are they honestly nice?
    All these questions... It will all be solved once I don't work here anymore. Solved because it's not gonna be my business anymore.

    Thanks everyone.
  14. Pessego

    Pessego Guest

    Happy for you, if you ever feel like getting high, let me know, I'll hook you up. :P
  15. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Don't feel alone, my boss is not bi-polar, he is tri-polar. He has only met a handful of people in his life that are not complete retards. Everyone who currently works for him including me is completely incompetent. He spends much of his time pointing out faults in others that are the very faults we all see in him. He is fascinated with my masturbatory activity and imagines me having gay sex with countless people even though I am not gay. Not a day has gone by in 10 years without a reference to the size of my penis or a new way for me to jack off with some odd device or an imagined meatsword and sausage fest. Nobody is ever just gay they have to be a RAGING homosexual. No black or hispanic woman ever just has a baby, they shit out a kid or a niglet. There is no race, group or type of people that are spared from his bigotry. His rage is constant, he only communicates by yelling, I have even seen him yell at his own mother. His 12 year old adopted son said "I know my dads a dick." If he can't find something to be mad about at the time then he will remember a time that made him mad and relive the moment. A definate rage-aholic and most of us beleive a closet cock-aholic.

    Vita to be honest is sounds like they are primping you for a management position and giving you some extra heat to see if you can handle it or crumble. If nothing changes in 6mo then tell them to suck a goats ass.
  16. Sycorax

    Sycorax Member

    I lol'd hard.
  17. jtork

    jtork Senior Member

    Fuk em and get laid !!! they can't treat us asians like how steve jobs and apple treat Asians, like slaves! i say start stealing the wine and sell it on ebay! fuk em lol

    then again tons of bosses think the workers they have are useless 'till the day they leave them for better jobs .. I say it won't hurt to ask for a raise!

    then i say if you're not in school, go back to school and take the courses you want and get a better salary job..

    and yes the economy sux !

    FYI - go get a body massage on a montly or weekly basis, if you can't afford it have you bf do it for you..go for walks during off days, go to parks to help ease the mind of stress etc ...
  18. atreyucore

    atreyucore Senior Member

    Your goals are never unreachable, Take baby steps to get there and u will get there eventually. The only time its unreachable is when you stop and lose motivation so quit loosing motivation and take it slow towards your goals.
  19. Cocaine

    Cocaine Head Administrator

    1st.... Buy a Punchingball for using at Home ;)
    2nd.....do what Marvel and other have said
    3rd....be more happy then ;)

    I know its hard to do some things, but sometimes you must do something....

    Good Luck!
  20. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    god thats a long story indeed, which comes to "i like the work i do" but i hate the people i work with"

    These days its hard to find the perfect job with the perfect atmosphere and the best conditions.
    Yes those jobs are out there, but its like finding a needle in a haystack(or seeing marvel play left4dead2 :P)

    Reading your story i can suggest 2 things you can do.

    Have a good talk with your boss and explain your frustrations and thoughts about the restaurant, explain why you feel unhappy working in the current atmosphere the restaurant is in when you come to work and what customers think about it.
    Tell him you took this job because you wanted to be a waitress, and not to be the cleaning whore of the restaurant. (dont take this personal)
    Sure its no problem you can do some addtional chores because other colleagues are sick or have quite.
    If my boss would ask me to clean the floor for a week because our maid is sick, sure i will do that.
    It shows commitment, interrest, reliability to your company. BUT if my boss would say "Hey can you clean the floors for a year" i would tell him that i was hired to build network interfaces and not to sweep the floor. otherwise put it in my job description and pay me extra if that needs to be done.
    I've quite 2 jobs due to "extra chores" added to my job descriptions, which was totaly 100% opposite of the work i should have been doing. Now for my work it's no problem to find a new job quickly because there is just plenty of jobs opportunities for me. but like i aid before, the hardest part is to find the right company which has good payment, health insurrance, colleagues, travel distance, benefits etc.
    Took me 5 job interviews to find myself the right job with everything i need.
    Now for you work i'm sure there are plenty of great restuarants near you where you can work easily. and its harder for a company owner to find good employees for there company. and they know that.
    Dont think because he's the boss hes allowed to ask you to do everything he feels like.

    And if your boss fires you for not following his instructions when he asks you too, you can lift your head up high and take your dignity and your self respect straight out of the door, after telling them how disrespectful and unthankful they're against their own employees.

    You should make a list and put all bad and good stuff about your job on a piece of paper and then wage if the job is still worth your afford working there.

    So in short, if i was standing in your shoes i would first talk to your boss and demand what my jobdescription is, and see if i would agree with it. if not, then just say you will leave after a weeks notice till they find some to fill your place, or they negotiate it with you till you accept the offer.

    And if they wont even do that, then FUCK THEM and leave that horrible hell place you've been working at, and dont be affraid you wont anything else, because you will :)

    great respect to you for holding out at a place where your boss makes it impossible to work